A New Constant Deviation Monochromator for Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1985-03-20
Suzuki Shoji
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,National Cardiovascular Center
佐藤 徳芳
Fukutani Hirohito
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
Miyahara Tsuneaki
Photon Factory, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK)
Ishii T
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
HANYU Takaaki
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hanyu T
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hanyu Takaaki
Department Of Physics Faculity Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
NAKAI Shun-ichi
Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University
Sugawara H
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokushima
Sato N
Okayama Univ. Okayama
Sato N
Physics Department Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
Noda Hideyuki
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Noda Hideyuki
Institute For Optical Research Kyoiku University
Ishii Takehiko
Department Of Material Physics Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Iwasaki T
National Inst. Industrial Health Kawasaki Jpn
Iwasaki Takeshi
National Institute Of Industrial Health 21-1 Nagao 6-chome Tama-ku Kawasaki 214 Japan
ISHII Takehiko
Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
Faculty of Education,Gunma University
Miyahara Tsuneaki
Photon Factory Kek
Sugawara Hitoshi
Faculty Of Engineering Iwate University
Fukutani Hirohito
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
Institute of Materials Science,University of Tsukuba
Fukutani Hirohito
Institute Of Physics College Of General Education University Of Tokyo
Ishii Tomohiko
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Faculty of Education,Gunma University
中井 俊一
Hanyu Takaaki
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements, Tohoku University
Namioka Takeshi
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements Tohoku University
Sugawara Hidenao
Faculty Of Education Gunma University
Sakai Hironori
Advanced Science Research Center Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Naito K
Shinshu Univ. Nagano
Naito Kenzo
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Nakai Shun-ichi
Faculty Of Engineering Utsunomiya University
Takai H
近畿大学 医学部循環器内科部門
Nagakura Ichiro
Faculty Of Education Gunma University
Suzuki Shoji
Department Of Cardiology Tsukuba Memorial Hospital
Nagakura Ichiro
Faculty of Education, Gunma University
- High-Resolution Photoemission Study of UNi_2Al_3 and URu_2Si_2
- 26aB59P 我が国の大学における核融合研究に関するアーカイブズ(加熱・加速, 磁場・電源, 炉設計, 新概念, (社) プラズマ・核融合学会第21回年会)
- 27pA46P 我が国の大学における核融合研究に関する資料調査(トカマク、加熱、電源・マグネット超伝導技術、炉設計)
- 容量連結型電極を用いたプラズマ生成における回路パラメータの影響
- Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Improves After Cardiac Rehabilitation Associated with Improvement in Exercise Capacity in Patients After Acute Myocardial Infarction
- 30pZM-5 我が国の大学における核融合研究に関する資料調査 II
- 容量連結型電極を用いたプラズマ生成とそのエネルギー制御
- 負荷電微粒子捕集器を用いたシランプラズマ中微粒子除去
- 容量連結型電極を用いたプラズマ生成とその制御
- 26aB16P CCMDによる大気圧プラズマ生成とオゾン発生への応用(プラズマ基礎・応用)
- 5 微粒子プラズマ研究の国際協力(シンポジウムVII : 微粒子プラズマの展望)
- 微小重力環境におけるプラズマ中微粒子の集団構造形成(最近の研究から)
- 微小重力環境におけるプラズマ中微粒子の集団構造形成
- 微小重力下における球状拡散プラズマ中の微粒子挙動
- 22pYB-4 微小重力下微粒子実験用グリッドケージ内のプラズマ計測
- 31aZL-9 Q マシンプラズマ中の速度変調イオンビーム揺動における負イオン効果
- 30pZL-8 微小重力下におけるプラズマ中微粒子雲の形成過程
- 27aC29P 強結合微粒子群の渦流形成とその動的挙動(プラズマ基礎・応用)
- 26pA04 微小重力環境におけるプラズマ中微粒子の集団構造(プラズマ基礎・応用II)
- 電場形成についての室内実験
- 微小重力環境におけるプラズマ中微粒子の集団的振舞
- プラズマ中に帯電し浮上するダイヤモンド微粒子の挙動と成長
- 微小重力環境プラズマにおける球対称微粒子雲の形成
- 27pA26P クーロンクラスターの構造と挙動に関するシミュレーション(プラズマ基礎・応用)
- 27pA06P テスラ級強磁場下におけるプラズマ中微粒子雲回転に対する中性ガス圧力の効果(プラズマ基礎・応用)
- 27aA06 電位駆動による強結合微粒子の渦流形成(プラズマ基礎・応用)
- 微小重力下でのプラズマ中微粒子
- 28aXG-2 磁化プラズマ中微粒子雲回転に対する微粒子密度依存性
- 28aXG-1 磁化プラズマ中空間構造制御による微粒子雲回転運動の駆動
- 27pA14P 磁化高周波放電プラズマ中に浮遊する微粒子雲の回転制御(プラズマ基礎・応用)
- 放電プラズマ中微粒子雲の挙動制御
- 23aD-10 小型円筒電極によるプラズマ中微粒子流の駆動
- 26aA4 直流放電プラズマ中強結合微粒子渦流の空間構造(プラズマ基礎/壁相互作用)
- 25pA16p 電子シャワーによる大粒径微粒子浮上(プラズマ基礎/炉材料)
- 25pA15p 強結合微粒子の挙動に関するシミュレーション(プラズマ基礎/炉材料)
- 30p-XM-12 直流放電プラズマ中糸状微粒子配位の形成とその動的挙動
- 30p-XM-11 直流放電プラズマ中強結合微粒子群の渦流構造
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- VO_2 kinetics faithfully reflect the presence and extent of LV dysfunction in DCM patients with preserved functional capacity
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- OJ-488 Does High-Intensity Exercise Compromise Left Ventricular Function or Neurohumoral Factors in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction after Acute Myocardial Infarction?(Exercise Test/Cardiac Rehabilitation 8 (IHD) : OJ60)(Oral Presentation (Japan
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- 27aWD-4 ヘリカルアンテナ利用テスラ級強磁場中でのフラーレン質量分離
- 27pA38P テスラ級強磁場中フラーレンイオン質量分離の高効率化(プラズマ基礎・応用)
- Resonant Photoemission and X-Ray Photoemission Spectra of UPd_2Al_3, UPt_2Si_2 and U_2PtSi_3
- Photoemission and Bremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy Studies of TiO_2 (Rutile) and SrTiO_3
- 25aXG-13 強結合ダストプラズマにおける磁場中でのダストの回転
- 27pA01P 平面ECRプラズマ生成用高効率マイクロ波伝送路(プラズマ基礎・応用)
- 24aD-9 発散型磁場中局所ECRによるプラズマ電位形成のシミュレーション
- 25aA6 不均一磁場中局所ECRにより形成されるプラズマ電位構造の解析(ミラー/FRC)
- 31p-XM-11 ミラー型磁場中局所ECRに伴う電位形成シミュレーション
- 巨大負イオンの局所生成に伴う自己励起プラズマ揺動
- Photoemission and Inverse-Photoemission Study of Heavy-Fermion Uranium Compounds
- Magnetic Properties of the Heavy-Fermion Antiferromagnet Ce7Ni3
- Magnetic Properties of the Heavy-Fermion Antiferromagnet Ce_7Ni_3
- Possible Spin-Fluctuation Mediated Superconductivity in UPd_2Al_3
- Spin Fluctuations in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor UPd_2Al_3 Studied by Neutron Inelastic Scattering
- Aspects of 3p-3d Resonant Photoemission in CeNi Single Crystal
- Resonant Photoemission of Rare Earth Compounds : Chapter 4. Optical Properties : 4-1. Photoemission and inverse Photoemission Studies of Electronic Structures
- Scaling Relations for the Production and Acceleration of a J×B Driven Rotating Plasma
- Photoemission Study of Ce/Ni(110) System
- Partial Left Ventriculectomy in Pediatric End-Stage Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Accessory Hepatic Vein Complicating Extra-cardiac Total Cavopulmonary Connection
- Indications for Partial Left Ventriculectomy in Pediatric Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Partial Left Ventriculectomy in a 3-Year-Old Boy With Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Photoemission and Bremsstrahlung from Uranium Compounds : Chapter 4. Optical Properties : 4-1. Photoemission and inverse Photoemission Studies of Electronic Structures
- X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of U (Rh_Pd_x)_3 Alloys
- The 4d Photoabsorption Spectra of La,LaF_3,Ba and BaF_2 : Dependence on the Chemical and Structural Environment
- A New Constant Deviation Monochromator for Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
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- Initial Stage Growth and Electronic Structure of Al Overlayer on a Single-Domain Si(001)2×1 Surface
- Electronic Coupling of Quantum-Well States in Double Ag Nanofilm Structures
- Exercise Therapy for Chronic Heart Failure : A Multicenter Retrospective Survey in Japan
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- Exercise Therapy for Chronic Heart Failure : A Multicenter Prospective Randomized Study in Japan
- Surface Electronic Structures of Ge(111) Surfaces as Revealed by Temperature Dependent UPS
- Study of Electronic Structures of Ge(111)7×7-Sn and Ge(111)"2×8"Surfaces by Angle-Resolved UPS
- Surface 4f Level Shift in Yb Metal Studied by ARUPS,Hydrogen and Oxygen Exposures,and Work Function Measurement
- Photoemission Study on the Surface Components of the 4f Levels in Yb Metal
- Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectrometer for the Use of Surface Study of Solids
- Angle-Resolved Photoemission from a Cu(111) Surface : PHOTOEMISSION (MAINLY UPS AND XPS)
- 4d-Shell Photoabsorption Spectra of Lanthanum- and Cerium-Halides
- Electronic Structures of the Single-Domain Si(001)2×1 and 2×8 Surfaces
- Empty-and Filled-Electronic States of the Si(111)√×√-Sn,√×√-In and 2√×2√-Sn Surfaces
- Impact of Age on the Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation after Acute Myocardial Infarction : Do Elderly Patients Gain Less Benefit?
- Improving Excess Ventilation by Exercise Cardiac Rehabilitation after Acute Myocardial Infarction : Which Patient Benefits?
- Impact of Exercise Intensity on Left Ventricular Function and Neurohumoral Factors after Acute Myocardial Infarction : A Prospective Randomized Study
- Improvement in Ventilatory Efficiency after Exercise Training Combined with Beta-Adrenergic Blocker Therapy in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Increased Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Vasospastic Angina
- Exercise Cardiac Rehabilitation Improves Exercise Capacity in Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAS)