Ultrasonic Attenuation Study of Critical Fluctuations in Rb_2CoF_4 near the Neel Temperature
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ultrasonic attenuation in a two-dimension:al Ising?-like antiferrornagnetRb.CoF. has been measured at frequencies from 10 to 150 MHz near the Neeltemperature, 7'..=103.20f0.02 K. Above T,3 it is :iound that the critical al:tenua-lion ct is described by a scaling function, co"')'.(coo), where co is an angularfrequency of soutnd wave and T is a characteristic txime of order-parameter fluctua-lions and is expressed as rcx::t-" using reduced tc:mperature, Z=lI/IN -11, withresults .X'=1.2O.L0.10 and .p=O.31f0.03. The dynamic critical exporrent isdetermined as J=X/P=1.21.l.0.1O when the existing value of P (=O.99-1.0.04) isused. 'jhe critic:al attenuation has a maximum below T. which shifts to lowertemperature as frequency increases. This behaviotur can be explained in terms ofthe relaxation of order-parameter.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1980-08-15
Suzuki Masatsugu
Department Of Physics Ochanomizu University
Ikeda Hironobu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Suzuki Masatsugu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Kato Kyoko
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Kato Kyoko
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Shizuoka University
Suzuki Masatsugu
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo:department Of Physics Ochanomizu Unive
Suzuki Masatsugu
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo:department Of Physics Ochanomizu Unive
SUZUKI Masatsugu
Department of Oral Anatomy I, School of Dentistry, Hokkaido University
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