(^3He, d) Stripping to Bound and Unbound States in ^<29>P
- 論文の詳細を見る
The "Si ('He, d) "P reaction has been studied at an incident energy of 29.3 MeV.Comparisons of DWBA and CCBA analyses of atxgular distributions for low-lyingbound states show that channel-coupling effect is not important except for stripping tothe 1.95-MeV 5/2" state. Angttlar dustributions for resonance states are analyzed byustng Gamow functions as form factors for DWBA calulatiorns. Such a descriptiongives a reasonable account of the experimental angular distributions except that it failsto reproduce experimentally observed 7-dependence. NUCLEAR REACTIONS "Si ('He, d), ('He, 'He), E=29.3 MeV. measured o(O). "P levels deduced spectrc>scopic factors. DWBA and CCBA analyses for botund states, DWBA analysis with re- sonance form factors for unbound states.l
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1977-09-15
Koyama Katsuji
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo:institute Of Space And Aeronautical Science Universi
Department of Physics,Tokyo Institute of Technology
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Ohnuma Hajime
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Takeda Shigeru
National Lobaratory For High Energy Physics
Takeda Shigeru
National Laboratory For High Energy Physics
Department of Physics,Kyoto University
Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Institute for Nuclear Study,University of Tokyo
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Ohnuma Hajime
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Nakamura Masanobu
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Sakaguchi Harutaka
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Koyama Katsuji
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo:(present Address) Institute Of Space And Aeronautica
Yamada Satoru
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Department of Physics,Kyoto University
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