On the Degeneracy of Regge Trajectories Imposed by the Veneziano-Type Amplitude
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- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1969-07-25
TOYODA Fumihiko
Department of Liberal Arts, Kinki University
Kinoshita Kisei
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
UEHARA Masayuki
Department of Physics, Saga University
IMACHI Masahiro
Department of Physics, Kyushu University
Uehara Masayuki
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Department of Physics Kyushu University
Shiga Kunio
Department Of Physics Kyushu Industrial University
Imachi Masahiro
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
Toyoda Fumihiko
Department Of Electrical And Communication Engineering Kinki University Of School Of Humanity-orient
- Explicit CP Breaking and Electroweak Baryogenesis : Particles and fields
- Numerical Approach to CP-Violating Dirac Equation
- CP-Violating Profile of the Electroweak Bubble Wall : Particles and Fields
- Chiral Charge Flux and Electroweak Baryogenesis
- Baryon Number Violating Collision in Terms of Bounce Configuration
- Scattering with Baryon Number Violation : The Case of Higgs Particle Production : Particles and Fields
- Formulation of Baryon Number Violating Collisions : The Case of O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Particles and Fields
- Sphaleron Transition of Reduced O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Particles and Feilds
- Sphalerons of O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model on a Circle : Particles and Fields
- The Sign Problem and MEM in Lattice Field Theory with the θ Term(Particles and Fields)
- Number of Constituents in a Proton, the Diffractive Excitation and the Chou-Yang Model
- Vortex String Picture and Large p_T Reactions
- The Lowest Subprocess Model of Large p_T Hadron Productions
- Unique Trajectory Method in Migdal Renormalization Group Approach and SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
- Unique Trajectory Method in Migdal Renormalization Group Approach and Crossover Phenomena
- The Migdal Recursion Equation as a Probe for Crossover Points : Lattice Gauge Theory on Discrete Groups
- The θ-Term, CP^ Model and the Inversion Approach in the Imaginary θ Method(Particles and Fields)
- Maximum Entropy Method Approach to the θ Term
- CP^ Models with a θ Term and Fixed Point Action
- Two-Dimensional CP^2 Model with θ-Term and Topological Charge Distributions
- Renormalization Group Analysis of U(2) Gauge Theory with θ-Term in 2 Dimensions : Particles and Fields
- Character Expansion, Zeroes of Partition Function and θ-Term in U(1) Gauge Theory : Particles and Fields
- Real Space Renormalization Group Analysis of U(l)-Gauge Theory with θ Term in 2 Dimensions
- SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory in Migdal Renormalization Group Approach
- Complex Wave Function, Chiral Spin Order Parameter and Phase Problem : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Large p_T Hadron Productions and String Junction Model
- Z(N) String Junction Model and Spectrum Energy Density of String
- Z(N) Strings and Hadron Structure
- The Enhancement of the Δ(1232) Width
- Nonstatic Effect on the Intersoliton Potential and the 1/N Expansion : Nuclear Physics
- Electromagnetic Structure of the Nucleon. I
- A Confining Potential Model for a Quark Core and Its Surrounding Pion Clouds : Particles and Fields
- Electromagnetic Structure of the Nucleon. II
- Low-Energy Theorems in the Chiral Soliton Model
- Consequences of a Simple Model for Two-Channel Reactions in Field Theory
- On Exchange Degeneracy of Vector and Tensor Trajectories and the Total Cross Sections
- Regge Pole Exchange and the Oscillatory Behavior in K^+P Scattering
- On the Degeneracy of Regge Trajectories Imposed by the Veneziano-Type Amplitude
- Inclusive Resonance Spectra, Constituent Quark Distributions and Dual Topological Pomeron
- Construction of Proper Born Terms in Meson-Soliton Scattering by Collective Coordinate Quantization Method : Particles and Fields
- Chapter III Pion-Nucleon Scattering in the Soliton Model
- Large N_c Behavior of Soft Pion Theorems and the Skyrme Model
- Coherent-State Approach to the Skyrmion Model : πN Scattering Amplitudes with Proper Born Terms : Particles and Fields
- Surviving and Spurious Yukawa Couplings in the Skyrmion Model
- Baryon and Baryonium States with String-Junctions in the Dual Unitarization Scheme
- Absorbed Two-compnent Model for Low Mass Nπ System Produced in Diffraction Dissociation
- Slope-Mass Correlation in Nucleon Diffraction Dissociation
- Role of the Nucleon Exchange in the Diffraction Dissociation πN → π(Nπ)
- Analysis of P_sN→VN Reactions through s-Channel Picture
- A Regge Pole Scheme Including Baryonium Trajectories and Hadronic Total Cross Sections
- An Approach to Regge Behaviour and Duality Based on an Infinite Sum of One-Particle-Exchange Amplitudes
- Constant Differences among Total Cross Sections and a New "Pomeranchon"
- Particle Exchange, Regge-Pole Exchange and the Veneziano Amplitude for KN Scattering
- Interrelation between Exclusive and Inclusive Reactions : Inclusive Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagrams. II
- Two-Body Reactions at All Angles as the Exclusive Limit of Inclusive Reactions
- Many-Pole Amplitudes and Elementarity. I : One Elementary and Some Composite Particles Case
- Rank Structure of Exclusive Reactions and Characteristic Features of Inclusive Spectra : Inclusive Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagrams. IV
- Behaviour of Masses and Coupling Constants in Two Processes Involving Vanishing Z_3
- Multi-Chain Model for High Energy Hadron Nucleus Collisions
- Whole-Region Formula for Single-Particle Distributions and Two-Body Reactions at All Angels
- Large p_T Jets Produced with Massive Large q_T Lepton-Pairs in Hadron Collisions(Large P_T and Dilepton,Proceedings of the Multiparticle Dynamics)
- Effect of Parton transverse Momenta on Hadronic Large p_T Phenomena
- Hair Pin Line Rule and Baryonium Decay
- String-Junction Model and Width of Baryonium
- Resonance Correlation and Zeros of Scattering Amplitudes
- U(6) Baryon Spectrum and U(6) Breaking
- The Hyperfine Splitting of the Nucleon and the Δ_ and the Coulomb Spike Effect : Particles and Fields
- Effect of Hidden Channels on Low-Lying Channels
- On the πN Phase Shift in the P_ State
- Limiting Behaviour of Inclusive Baryon Spectra : Inclusive Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagrams. VI
- Decays of M_2 Baryoniun States and a New Scheme of Baryonium Assignment
- Models of the π Meson and Its Compositeness
- A Model of the Nucleon and the P_ Resonance as a Bound State of a Hidden Channel
- Classification of an Unstable Particle and Its Propagator
- On the Coupling Constants of Strong Interactions
- Partial Wave Amplitude for Low Mass Nπ System Produced in Diffraction Dissociation
- On Two Formulations of Composite Particles in the S-Matrix Theory
- Non-Dual Property of a Pion and Its Production Process
- πN Scattering Lengths in the Skyrmion Model
- Peripheral Resonance Production versus Kinematical Reflection and Non-Dual Property of a Pion Exchange
- Vanishing of the Yukawa Interaction from the Skyrmion : Pion Langrangian
- The Hyperon and Nucleon Interactions. I : Potentials
- Multi-Resonance Structure in the P_ State of πN Scattering
- Diffraction Dissociation, Final State Interaction and Quasi-Elastic Two-Body Processes
- The Mean Collision Number in Hadron-Nucleus Collisions and the Additive Quark Model
- Unnatural Parity Mesons in the Dual Unitarization Scheme
- Properties of Large p_T Jets in Massive Lepton-Pair Production at Large q_T
- Note on Binding Forces between Quarks
- Many-Pole Amplitudes and Elementarity. II : The Case of Two Non-Composite Particles
- A Simple Treatment of Hadron Fragmentation Processes in Hadron-Hadron Collisions : Meson Case
- Representativc Interactions in Multiparticle Productions
- Interpolation Formula for Two-Particle Distribution Function
- Whole-Region Description of Inclusive Spectra and Composite Structure of Hadrons
- Production Rates and Distinctive Components of Single-Particle Distributions : Inclusive Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagrams. III
- Inclusive Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagrams. II : Scaling Forms for Small Transverse Momentum
- Inclusive Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagrams
- Scaling Behaviour of Hadron Interactions and Urbaryon Bond Model
- Goldberger-Treiman Relation and the Elementarity of the Pion
- The Double N/D Method : A New Approach to the Construction of the Partial-Wave Amplitude
- Inclusive Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagrams