Hair Pin Line Rule and Baryonium Decay
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1979-10-25
Ito Sachiko
Department Of Cardiovascular Center Toranomon Hospital
Ito Sachiko
Department Of Basic Gerontology National Institute For Longevity Sciences
Ito Sachiko
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
OTSUKI Shoichiro
Department of Physics Nagoya University
OTSUKI Shoichiro
Kyushu School of Engineering, Kinki University
OTSUKI Shoichiro
Kyusyu School of Engineering, Kinki University
Imachi M
Department Of Physics Yamagata University
IMACHI Masahiro
Department of Physics, Kyushu University
Otsuki Shoichiro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Imachi Masahiro
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
IMACHI Masahiro
Departmnet of Physics,Kyushu University
IMACHI Masahiro
Department of Physics, Kyusyu University
OTSUKI Shoichiro
Department of Liberal Arts, Kinki University
OTSUKI Shoichiro
Department of Physics, Kyusyu University
Ito Sachiko
Department of Physics, Kyushu University
- Nuclear Interaction of Core Region
- Analysis of growth hormone receptor polymorphism in Japanese semisuper centenarians
- PJ-711 The Predictive Factors of Manifested Sick Sinus Syndrome with Atrial Flutter(PJ119,Arrhythmia, Others (Clinical/Diagnosis/Treatment) 7 (A),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-383 Primary- and Mid-term Outcomes of Drug-eluting Stent Implantation Follwing Rotational Athelectomy in the Calcified Lesions of Hemodialysis Patients(PE064,Coronary Revascularization, PCI (DES) 6 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scienti
- PE-327 How to conquer the gap between caudiopulmonary resuscitation training and the real-world resuscitation?(Emergency care/CPR(03)(H),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- The efficacy of bare metal stent implantation for patients with acute myocardial infarction in the drug-eluting stent era
- Primary and mid-term outcome of sirolimus-eluting stent implantation with angiographic guidance alone
- On p-He^4 Effective Potential and Nuclear Forces
- Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energy
- Transitional CP Violation in the MSSM and Electroweak Baryogenesis
- Spontaneous CP Violation at Finite Temperature in the MSSM
- Charge Generation in an Oscillating Background
- CP Violating Bubble Wall and Electroweak Baryogenesis : Particles and Fields
- Explicit CP Breaking and Electroweak Baryogenesis : Particles and fields
- Numerical Approach to CP-Violating Dirac Equation
- CP-Violating Profile of the Electroweak Bubble Wall : Particles and Fields
- Chiral Charge Flux and Electroweak Baryogenesis
- Baryon Number Violating Collision in Terms of Bounce Configuration
- Scattering with Baryon Number Violation : The Case of Higgs Particle Production : Particles and Fields
- Formulation of Baryon Number Violating Collisions : The Case of O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Particles and Fields
- Sphaleron Transition of Reduced O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Particles and Feilds
- Sphalerons of O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model on a Circle : Particles and Fields
- The Sign Problem and MEM in Lattice Field Theory with the θ Term(Particles and Fields)
- Vortex String Picture and Large p_T Reactions
- The Lowest Subprocess Model of Large p_T Hadron Productions
- Unique Trajectory Method in Migdal Renormalization Group Approach and SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
- Unique Trajectory Method in Migdal Renormalization Group Approach and Crossover Phenomena
- The Migdal Recursion Equation as a Probe for Crossover Points : Lattice Gauge Theory on Discrete Groups
- The θ-Term, CP^ Model and the Inversion Approach in the Imaginary θ Method(Particles and Fields)
- Maximum Entropy Method Approach to the θ Term
- CP^ Models with a θ Term and Fixed Point Action
- Two-Dimensional CP^2 Model with θ-Term and Topological Charge Distributions
- Renormalization Group Analysis of U(2) Gauge Theory with θ-Term in 2 Dimensions : Particles and Fields
- Character Expansion, Zeroes of Partition Function and θ-Term in U(1) Gauge Theory : Particles and Fields
- Real Space Renormalization Group Analysis of U(l)-Gauge Theory with θ Term in 2 Dimensions
- SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory in Migdal Renormalization Group Approach
- Complex Wave Function, Chiral Spin Order Parameter and Phase Problem : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Large p_T Hadron Productions and String Junction Model
- Z(N) String Junction Model and Spectrum Energy Density of String
- Z(N) Strings and Hadron Structure
- Regge Pole Exchange and the Oscillatory Behavior in K^+P Scattering
- On the Degeneracy of Regge Trajectories Imposed by the Veneziano-Type Amplitude
- Construction of a medical record database for radiology with ADABAS
- Alcohol-induced Ventricular Fibrillation in Brugada Syndrome
- Hair Pin Line Rule and Baryonium Decay
- String-Junction Model and Width of Baryonium
- Two cases of acute coronary syndrome that occurred by preoperative discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy in the chronic phase after stent implantation
- Remarks on Shape of Repulsive Core of Nuclear Forces
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, lV : Photodisintegration of Deuteron at 20 Mev
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, III : p-p Scattering at 18.2 Mev
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theorelical Potential, II : Singlet Even State
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, I : Determination of Coupling Constant and Deuteron Problem
- Determination of the Pion Coupling Constant in Nuclear Forces
- Part II Verification of Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Part I Development of Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- カイコの絹糸腺細胞の染色体,特に性染色体の構造と行動に関する細胞遺伝学的研究〔英文〕
- Meson-theoretical Potentials in N^
- The Properties of the Meson Theoretical Potentials in Li^6
- A Possible Origin of Repulsive Core in Nuclear Forces
- On the Polarization in Elastic Pion-Nucleon Scattering in a Few GeV Region
- Resonance Correlation and Zeros of Scattering Amplitudes
- U(6) Baryon Spectrum and U(6) Breaking
- Amyloid-β peptides induce several chemokine mRNA expressions in the primary microglia and Ra2 cell line via the PI3K/Akt and/or ERK pathway
- Cellular and systemic defense system against age-promoting stimuli
- Topological Charge Distribution and CP Model with θTerm
- U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory, Four Fermi Coupling and Migdal-Kadanoff Renormalization Group : Particles and Fields
- Finite Temperature SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory in Migdal Renormalization Group Approach : Particles and Fields
- On Classical Configurations of SU(2) Gauge-Higgs System : Particles and Fields
- Solitons with the Hopf Index versus Skyrmions in SU(2) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Progress Letters
- A Soliton Solution with Baryon Number B=0 and Skyrmion : Progress Letters
- Constituent Rearrangement Model and Hadron Reactions
- Evidence for Existence of a Repulsive Core in the Λ-N Interaction
- On Pion-Nucleon Scattering at High Energies
- Report on Symposium on Elementary Particles
- An Attempt at Systematizing Meson-Baryon Resonances
- Meson Theoretical Potentials in Triplet Odd State
- A Classification of Nucleon Resonances through Pattern Recognition
- Mass and Selection Rule of Baryonium
- String Junction Model, Cluster Hypothesis, Penta-Quark Baryon and Tetra-Quark Meson(Nuclear Physics)
- The 1/N Expansion and Quark-Junction Systems
- On the Role of String-Junction in Hadron Reactions
- Hadron Structure with String-Junction and Large Momentum Transfer Phenomena
- Structure and Interaction of Hadrons with Orientable String
- Orientable Hadron Structure
- Meson-Baryon Backward Scattering and Resonance Correlation
- Colour Constraint on Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagram
- A New Interaction Length and Independent Urbaryon Model
- One-Dimensional Structure of Hadrons
- Triality Constraint on Urbaryon Rearrangement Diagram and Urbaryons in Correlated Mode
- Systematic Structure in Hadronic Two-Body Scattering and Resonance Correlation : Hadron Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement. III
- Impact Parameter Representation of Resonance Correlation : Hadron Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement. II
- Proton-Proton Scattering and Urbaryon Rearrangement
- Hadron Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement. I : Effective Resonance Structure
- Dip-Bump Structure of Cross Section and Urbaryon Rearrangement. II
- Exotic Resonances, Urbaryon Rearrangement and Hadron Structure
- Rearrangement of Urbaryon Lines and Forces between Composite Hadrons
- The Backward Peak in Pion-Nucleon Scattering and Composite Structure of the Pion
- Structure of Massless Composite Fermions and Large N Limit : Particles and Fields
- Murine model for evaluating iPS-technology feasibility in age-related functional declines or diseases
- Large N Limit of Composite Quarks and Leptons