Generalized Wajnflasz Model for Charge Transfer Spin-Crossover Phenomena
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A kind of spin-crossover phenomena associated with charge transfer has been found in (n-C_3H_7)4_N[Fe^<II>Fe^<III>(dto)_3], where dto represents C_20_2S_2. The properties of this phase transition are studied in a generalized Wajnflasz model. The fraction of the high temperature phase configuration is obtained as a function of the temperature. In the high temperature limit, the fraction is 1/(1+√<3/5>), and it decreases smoothly to zero as the temperature decreases, if we consider free migration of electrons. When a repulsive interaction between the domains of the high temperature and low temperature phases exists, this fraction exhibits a first-order transition at a certain temperature. The temperature dependences of the susceptibility and the magnetic phase transition in the low temperature phase are also investigated. It turns out that a magnetic phase transition in the low temperature phase is induced by fluctuations of the high temperature phase.
- 2003-05-25
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
KOJIMA Norimichi
Department of Basic Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
小島 憲道
Department Of Basic Science Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Kojima N
Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences University Of Tokyo
Kojima Norimichi
Graduate School Of Arts And Science University Of Tokyo
Kojima Norimichi
Department Of Basic Science Graduate School Of Arts And Science The University Of Tokyo
Miyashita S
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Miyashita Seiji
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Miyashita Seiji
Graduate School Of Human And Environmental Studies Kyoto University
Miyashita Seiji
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Miyashita Seiji
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Miyashita Seiji
Crest Jst
Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo
Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
Department of Physics, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University
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