Quantum Dynamics in Nanoscale Magnets in Dissipative Environments (Frontiers in Magnetism)
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
齊藤 一弥
Saito K
Research Center For Molecular Thermodynamics Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Saito G
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Miyashita S
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Miyashita Seiji
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Kobayashi H
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
Miyashita Seiji
Graduate School Of Human And Environmental Studies Kyoto University
Kobayashi Hiroyuki
Shumei Gakuen Junior And Senior High School
Miyashita Seiji
Crest Jst
Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
National Research Laboratory of Metrology, AIST, MITI
- Generalized Wajnflasz Model for Charge Transfer Spin-Crossover Phenomena
- 23pGT-6 層状有機超伝導体β-(BDA-TTP)_2SbF_6におけるジョセフソン磁束フロー抵抗(23pGT 若手奨励賞講演・β型他,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 26pWB-9 擬2次元有機超伝導体(ET)_2Cu(NCS)_2のジョセフソン磁束フロー抵抗における四回対称性(κ-ET系,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- 棒状分子が作る高い対称性をもつ液晶性超構造の構造解析
- 27pVC-13 ジシクロヘキシルメタノールの過冷却液体における熱異常(27pVC 領域12,領域11合同セッション(ガラス転移・液体転移),領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 27aVB-2 直流電場下におけるネマチック液晶の欠陥ダイナミクス(27aVB 液晶,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 第44回熱測定討論会報告
- 22aWE-1 リオトロピック液晶のラメラ相における脂質分子のアルキル鎖の運動についての熱力学的考察(22aWE 液晶,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- 25pYC-7 異方性の大きな粒子が作る立方対称周期構造の可能性(液晶・界面,領域12,ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理)
- 21aRL-10 BABHのIm3m相における分子凝集構造解析の試み(液晶,領域12,ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理)
- 23pTH-11 Ba_IV_(IV=Si.Ge)の電子物性に与えるフォノンの影響(クラスレート・新物質,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- サーモトロピック液晶における双連結構造
- PE02 キュービック液晶形成化合物ACBC-16の赤外吸収スペクトルによる研究(トピカルセッション-液晶物性計測の最前線-, 2005年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 1C04 BABH-n同族体の2つのキュービック相(トピカルセッション-液晶材料の新しい機能開発-, 2005年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 20aXA-7 Ba_IV_(IV=Si,Ge)クラスレート化合物のフォノンの異常(クラストレート,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 27pYK-4 Ni_2(n-BuCS_2)_4Iの熱容量(金属鎖(MMX, MXなど),領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 25aYK-6 Ba_Si_の物性に与えるラットリングの影響(クラストレート,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- PB19 ACBC-16のキュービック相の構造(2004年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 3A05 全フッ素置換鎖を有するポリカテナーメソゲン14PCFの相挙動と熱容量(2004年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 15aWE-6 Ba_Si_ 超伝導体の比熱(クラスレート・ゼオライト, 領域 7)
- Quantum Tunneling in Half-Integer Spin Systems
- 第37回熱測定討論会
- 20aXE-9 有機超伝導体 (MDT-TTF)_2(AuI_2) と (MDT-TSF)(AuI_2)_ の低温熱容量特性
- 22pYG-14 (DIMET)_2I_3の金属-絶縁体転移
- 25p-N-5 (DMET)_2BF_4,(DMET)_2ClO_4のacカロリメトリー
- 2A05 キュービック液晶BABH(n)の圧力下の相転移現象(物理・物性)
- 30pYX-13 (DI-DCNQI)_2Ag塩の低温熱容量測定II
- ac Calorimetry and EPR Study on Metal-Insulator Transition and Glass Transition in an Organic Conductor with Double-Column Structure, (DIMET)_2BF_4 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Calorimetric Study of Metal-Insulator Transition in (DIMET)_2I_3 : Phase Separation in Ternary Mixtures
- 微小脆性結晶の熱電能測定法と2バンド擬一次元有機伝導体の多段階金属-絶縁体転移
- 25pE-14 (DIMET)_2BF_4の金属-絶縁体転移のacカロリメトリー
- PAb10 異なる二つのキュービック相を発現するANBC-22の熱容量測定
- 1A07 BABH-n同族体のキュービック相の構造(2004年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 30aWL-8 Pt_2(n-PrCS_2)_4,Pt_2(n-PrCS_2)_4I_2およびPt_2(n-PrCS_2)_4Iの熱容量(M(M)X鎖・プロトン伝導)(領域7)
- 28pXD-3 MMX系錯体Pt_2(η-BuCS_2)_4lの熱容量
- 第43回熱測定ワークショップ報告
- 2A06 異なる構造を持つキュービック液晶相の熱容量(物理・物性)
- 22aZB-1 ANBC (22) の二つのキュービック相の熱容量
- Metal-Insulator,SDW,and Glass Transitions in the Organic Conductors,(DMET)_2BF_4 and (DMET)_2ClO_4,Studied by ac Calorimetry^
- 3C13 等方性液晶ACBC(16)の熱容量(物理・物性)
- Low Dimensionality Observed by ESR Measurements in S = 1 Spin Ladder Substance BIP-TENO (3,3',5,5'-tetrakis(N-tert-butylaminoxyl)biphenyl)(Condensed Matter : Electronic Strucuture, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 4th International Symposium on the New Frontiers of Thermal Studies of Materials
- Slow Relaxation of Spin Structure in Exotic Ferromagnetic Phase of Ising-like Heisenberg Kagome Antiferromagnets(General)
- 21aXE-11 κ-(BEDT-TTF)_4Hg_X_8 (X=Br, Cl) の低温熱容量測定
- 30pYX-12 (DMe-DCNQI)_2M(M=Ag, Li)のacカロリメトリー
- 24pR-9 κ-(ET-d_8)_2Cu[N(CN)_2]X (X=Cl,Br)のACカロリメトリー
- 24pR-8 κ-(ET)_2Cu(NCS)_2のACカロリメトリー
- Spin-Peieris Transition in S = 1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains
- Thermodynamic Metal-Insulator Transition in a Hydrogen-Bonded organic-Inorganic Hybrid Conductor,[Pd (H_edag)(Hedag)]・TCNQ (x≈1/3)^
- Quantum Phase Transition of Two-Dimensional Diluted Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
- 25aYG-2 (DI-DCNQI)_2Ag塩の低温、磁場中熱容量測定
- 27pYR-13 負の熱膨張を示すZrW_2O_8の熱容量と相転移
- 22pYP-5 Zr_Hf_xW_2O_8の熱容量
- Contribution of the Electrostatic Fluctuation to the Particle and Energy Fluxes in the Edge Region of STP-3 (M) Reversed Field Pinch Plasma (Gases, Plasmas and Electric Discharges)
- Superthermal Electron Diffusion Processes in a Reversed Field Pinch
- 28aWF-11 重い電子系 Ce_2CoIn_8 の超伝導
- 29aYC-7 サーモトロピック等方性液晶相の熱容量
- 3C14 サーモトロピック等方性液晶の構造について(物理・物性)
- Quantum Monte Carlo Study on Magnetization Processes
- Quantum Narrowing Effect in a Spin-Peierls System with Quantum Lattice Fluctuation
- Event-Based Computer Simulation Model of Aspect-Type Experiments Strictly Satisfying Einstein's Locality Conditions(General)
- Magnetic Properties and Metastable States in Spin-Crossover Transition of Co-Fe Prussian Blue Analogues(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- Van der Waals-Navier Stokes Equation for Boiling Phenomena : Bubble Formation by Heating(General)
- Quantum-Fluctuation-Enhanced Ordered Phase in Blume-Capel Model(General)
- Structures of Metastable States in Phase Transitions with a High-Spin Low-Spin Degree of Freedom(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Dynamical Properties of Temperature Chaos and Memory Effect
- Mechanisms of Magnetic Order in a Charge Transfer Complex Mediated by Virtual Interactions Due to the Charge Fluctuation (Statistical Physics of Quantum Systems--novel orders and dynamics)
- Nature of Ferrimagnetic Ground States in Quantum Spin Models (Statistical Physics of Quantum Systems--novel orders and dynamics)
- Directionally Independent Energy Gap Formation Due to the Hyperfine Interaction(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Parity Effect in the Resonant Tunneling
- Frequency Dependence of Quantum Localization in Periodically Driven System
- Noise Effect on the Nonadiabatic Transition in the System of Fe_8
- Quantum Dynamics and Dissipation Effects in the Resonant Tunneling of Molecular Magnets
- Frequency Dependence of Electron Spin Resonance
- Magnetic Foehn Effect in Adiabatic Transition
- Nonexponential Relaxation of Magnetization at the Resonant Tunneling Point under a Fluctuating Random Noise
- Magnetization Process of Nanoscale Iron Cluster
- Ground-State Phase Diagram of the Spin-1/2-1/2-1-1 Chain : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Ground-State and Thermodynamic Properties of the Quantum Mixed Spin-1/2-1/2-1-1 Chain
- Nonmonotonic Relaxation in Systems with Reentrant-Type Interaction(General)
- Crystal Structures of Photo-induced Phase and Rapidly-cooled Phase in Rb_Mn[Fe(CN)_6]_・1.4H_2O Prussian Blue Analog
- Adiabatic Change from Mott Insulator to Nagaoka Ferromagnetic State(Condensed Matter Physics)
- Conveyance of Quantum Particles by a Moving Potential Well(General)
- Dynamics of the Density Matrix in Contact with a Thermal Bath and the Quantum Master Equation(General)
- Monte Carlo Simulation and Static and Dynamic Critical Behavior of the Plane Rotator Model
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Quantum Spin Systems. I
- New Method of Monte Carlo Simulations and Phenomenological Theory of Phase Transition in the Two-Dimensional XY-Model
- Direct Calculation of Dynamical Susceptibility in Strongly Fluctuating Quantum Spin Systems
- Effects of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Interaction on ESR of Shastry-Sutherland Model
- Nature of the Phase Transition of the Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Plane Rotator Model on the Triangular Lattice
- Frequency Dependence of Quantum Localization in a Periodically Driven System
- Ordered Phases and Phase Transitions in The Stacked Triangular Antiferromagnet CsCoCl_3 and CsCoBr_3 (Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Critical Line of Two-Dimensional Spin-1/2 Pair-Product Heisenberg Model : Progress Letters
- Existence of Phase Transition in Ising-like Heisenberg Antiferromagnets on the Kagome Lattice
- Quantum Mechanical Transitions in a Dissipative Environment
- New Saturated Ferromagnetism in the Flat-Band Hubbard Model in High Electron Filling
- Directionally Independent Energy Gap Formation Due to the Hyperfine Interaction
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Quantum Heisenberg Magnets on the Triangular Lattice
- Quantum Dynamics in Nanoscale Magnets in Dissipative Environments (Frontiers in Magnetism)
- Dynamical Properties of Temperature Chaos and Memory Effect