教育における人間的なもの [上] : 「教育愛」の学説的成立とその今日的位置
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It is well known that the most essential principle in the report of the Extraordinary Council about Education (1985-1987) was the individualization. And we realize its principle was induced from the idea of the liberalization on educational matters. Now I understand that it depended on the desire into humanization. Because it used to be said that the educational affairs are going from bad to worse in our country. In order to improve these affairs, the above-mentioned report intends to carry forward the humanization in relation to the material conditions of education in the school. But the more important effort into this reform lies in the field about the spiritual matter. Namely the independence of school teacher comes into question. Therefore in this paper I intend to examine about the so-called "pedagogical love". The reason why I do this is that the pedagogical love has been considered as the basic nature of school teacher both in the official report and in the genenal conception. I attempt to classify the theoretical achievement of the "pedagogical love" before World War Ⅱ into three stages. By the way, The first stage is the time from the beginning of Meiji era to the beginning of Taisho era. Next, the second stage corresponds to the time from the beginning of Taisho era to the first ten years of Shouwa era. Finally, the third stage is the time from the ten years of Shouwa era to the end of the war. Furthermore, I classify the first two stages into two periods respectively. I am going to analyze by the time of the first period of the second stage in the paper of this band. In Chapter 1, I will clarify that the pedagogical love is even now the fundamental issue in the recent educational practice. And I point that the meaning of the pedagogical love isn't evident enough. 〈 to be continued 〉
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