子どもの行動の歴史的変容 [III] : 高度成長期を境とした対応関係を軸として
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This is the final one of three times continued papers. I illustrated a part of the result of my survey concerning about children's unconscious conditioned reflex response in the last paper. I will also continue to indicate about a difference of the reflex responded behavior of children who lived before and after the economy's high growth in our country. It is made from 15 questions and their outcomes. ① From my investigation, we will gain the result that the economy's high growth caused the immense historical change of children's behavior toward to the nature and the things from whole bodily, adventurous, and skilful responce to partial bodily, shunning, and aggressive one. ② As the second result, I would present a hypothesis that the economy's high growth also brought out the change of children's unconscious conditioned behavior against a person from the communicatable tendency to avoidable one. Especially toward their parents, they turned from an obedient attitude to a defiance. Then I will illustrate the results of my 10 questions concerning about childrens daily and habitual behavior before and after the period of the economy's high growth. Consequently I would summarize the outcome of my investigation with these 10 items as follows. ③ Economy's high growth changed the daily habitual activities of children in their home from the housework or the assistance to their parents to the manner or to the learning concerning about school education. ④ It also changed the activities in their communities from the cooperative and self-governmental behavior to the educational activity out of school. I believe that these questions and their results are the clue of the deeper and more essential research about the influence on child's life and culture in future.
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