子どもの行動の歴史的変容[Ⅰ] -高度経済成長期を境とした対応関係への言及-
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It is well-known that the education of our country has been placed in a remarkably crucial situation sinse 1970's. We should pay attention to the matter that problem of school education, for example, so-called "violence in school", "ijime", "refusing to go to school" and so on, has brought the problem of education into focus since 1970's. The main place of children's life distinctly separated from the home or the community in 1970's, and before long the school education including the "jyuku" and preparatory school in a broad sence has grown noticeably. When and how did the view which is tended to grasp the education only as the school education in broad sense spread its deep root in our society today? I think that we are given this problem as a first question about today s education. I intend to clarify in this thesis for two times that such our tendency concerning education was brought as the result of economy's high growth in 1960's. This serious problem isn't sufficiently known generally by the delay of the pedagogical research. People notice vaguely till now that the play, life, behavior and so on of children have remarkably changed. In addition to this observation, it is slso awared that the dody, physical strength, ability and so on of children seem to have weakened since these twenty years. On this paper, I am going to point it out especially in the obvious change of children's unconscious conditioned reflex response. I hope that this indication is helpful to clarify the advanced research about children's life, culture and education. (to be continued)
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 1992-11-25
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- 子どもの行動の歴史的変容[Ⅰ] -高度経済成長期を境とした対応関係への言及-
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