障害理解教育の授業分析の課題と方法 : 小学校第2学年の授業実践を通して
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本研究では, 冨永・小川が内容を構想し, 小川が実施したM市立M小学校第2学年における障害理解教育の授業を取り上げ, 分析を加えるとともに, 入り込みの授業を受けている知的に障害のある児童の学びも併せて検証していった。授業構成上重要な局面を「授業局面」として捉え, 各授業局面を起点としながら, 各授業構成要素(目標, 教材, 子ども(集団), 教師(集団), 環境)の関連を局面の中で分析するとともに, 他の授業局面の授業構成要素との関連も併せて分析していった。その結果は, 以下の通りであった。(1)この授業分析方法の有効性が示された。(2)第2学年の児童と知的障害のある児童の障害理解の授業を展開する上で, ゲーム的要素を加えることの有効性が示された, (3)様々な障害のある児童との関わりを印象的な場面を通して理解させることの意義が示された, (4)児童の発言の変化から, 授業方法上の課題, 新たな教材設定の課題が示された, (5)授業の目標自体に, 各班の発表の仕方の評価を加える課題が示された, (6)児童の発言を踏まえた集団思考に対する配慮についての課題が示された, (7)低学年の障害理解の授業の教材として, 「視覚的に気づく障害」を中心にかかわり方を学ぶという一つの方向性が導き出された。情緒の障害, 知的障害を取り上げる場合は, より一層の教材の工夫が求められた, (8)知的障害のある児童にもわかる授業の組織化が, 他の児童のわかる授業の組織化につながるという観点からの, 教材設定, 授業展開の改善が求められた, (9)児童自身が自己の理解度を評価し, 児童相互に理解度を確かめ合う活動を組織化する課題が示された。In this paper we analyzed the teaching-learning process for understanding disabled children at “M Elementary School”, which Tominaga and Ogawa had planed and Ogawa had practiced. The analysis method was to understand an important phase of teaching-learning process structure as “teaching-learning process phase” and to analyze the relation between the elements of teaching-learning process (instructional aim, teaching material, child (group), teacher (group), environment) in each “teaching-learning process phase” and to analyze the relation between the elements of one “teaching-learning process phase” and the elements of the other phase. The following results were obtained.: 1) Our analysis method was effective. 2) The game element was effective for the development of teaching-learning process that the second-year children and the child with intellectual disability understood various disabled children. 3) Understanding the relationships between various disabled children and the other normal children by impressive situations was important. 4) There were issues to improve teaching method and to alter teaching material setting by looking over the change of children responses. 5) There were issues of setting the evaluation of the way to express each opinion in instructional aims. 6) There were issues to consider group thinking on the basis of children responses. 7) There was a course to learn mainly the relationships between visually recognized children with disability and the other normal children in this teaching-learning process of the lower grade at elementary school. The improvement of teaching material was required in the case of learning the relationships between children with emotional disturbance, children with intellectual disability and the other normal children. 8) The improvement of teaching material setting and teaching process was required from the standpoint that the organization of teaching-learning process understood by all children was influenced by the organization of teaching-learning process understood by the child with intellectual disability. 9) There were issues to organize the activities that children evaluated the degree of understanding by themselves and children recognized mutually each degree of understanding.
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