ナノマテリアルの安全確保に向けた Nano-Safety Science 研究
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Developments in nanotechnology have fostered the widespread use of a diverse array of nanomaterials such as nanosilicas and carbon nanotubes. Nanomaterials are already being used in electronics, sunscreens, cosmetics, and medicines, because they have unique physicochemical properties, such as conductivity, strength, durability, and chemical reactivity. The advent of nanomaterials has also provided extraordinary opportunities for biomedical applications. However, the increasing use of nanomaterials has raised public concern about their potential risks to human health. In particular, recent reports have indicated that carbon nanotubes induce severe inflammation and mesothelioma-like lesions in mice. In this regard, we have attempted to elucidate the pharmacodynamics and safety of nanomaterials in order to develop novel, safe nanomaterials and to establish scientifically based regulations. In this review, we introduce our data on the safety of nanosilicas, particularly the relationships among their physical properties (predominant grain size, configuration, and surface charge), pharmacodynamics, and safety. Our study will help to improve the quality of human life by establishing standards for the safe use of nanomaterials.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
- 2010-09-15
Tsutsumi Y
Dep. Of Toxicology And Safety Sci. Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka Univ.
吉岡 靖雄
堤 康央
堤 康央
Tsutsumi Yasuo
Dep. Of Biopharmaceutics Grad. Sch. Of Pharm. Sci. Osaka Univ.
吉川 友章
吉川 友章
- 連携研究会 繊維・粒子状物質研究会 招待講演 ナノマテリアルの安全性確保を目指して (第80回 日本衛生学会学術総会)
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- トキシコキネティクス/トキシコプロテオミクスによるナノマテリアルの安全性評価
- 革新的技術/素材の恩恵を最大限に享受した豊かな社会の構築に向けて--ナノマテリアルの安全性確保基盤の構築を例に
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- 水溶性高分子によるハイブリッド化医薬品の創製 - 水溶性高分子の生体内挙動特性と荷電官能基の連関評価 -
- DIVEMAによるハイブリッド化TNF-aの創製とその評価
- Creation of Novel Cell-Penetrating Peptides for Intracellular Drug Delivery Using Systematic Phage Display Technology Originated from Tat Transduction Domain(Biochemistry)
- Non-Methylated CpG Motif Packaged into Fusogenic Liposomes Enhance Antigen-Specific Immunity in Mice(Highlighted paper selected by Editor-in-chief,Pharmacology)
- Vaccine Efficacy of Fusogenic Liposomes Containing Tumor Cell-Lysate against Murine B16BL6 Melanoma(Pharmacology)
- Anti-tumor Responses Induced by Chemokine CCL19 Transfected into an Ovarian Carcinoma Model via Fiber-Mutant Adenovirus Vector(Biopharmacy)
- Fusogenic Liposome can be Used as an Effective Vaccine Carrier for Peptide Vaccination to Induce Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte (CTL) Response(Biopharmacy)
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- P-063 非結晶性ナノシリカの物性と有害性発現との連関評価(1)(ポスターセッション)
- P-062 非結晶性ナノシリカの遺伝毒性に関する基礎的検討(ポスターセッション)
- P-060 / O-06 カーボンナノチューブの変異原性に関する基礎的検討(ポスターセッション)
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- Fast Binding Kinetics and Conserved 3D Structure Underlie the Antagonistic Activity of Mutant TNF : Useful Information for Designing Artificial Proteo-Antagonists
- Creation of Novel Protein Transduction Domain (PTD) Mutants by a Phage Display-Based High-Throughput Screening System(Biochemistry)
- Quality Enhancement of the Non-immune Phage scFv Library to Isolate Effective Antibodies(Highlighted paper selected by Editor-in-chief,Biochemistry)
- 目的とする生理活性を完全に保持した機能性変異蛋白質の迅速構築とそのDDSへの応用
- 細胞内DDSによるナノ治療システムの開発 (シンポジウム:ナノテクノロジーの化粧品,医薬品への応用:香粧品分野への応用)
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- 液性免疫隔離能を有する細胞性製剤の設計
- リポソームのカチオン化による腫瘍ワクチン用アジュバント効果増強
- Development of new anti-TNF therapy
- Development of Novel Drug Delivery System (DDS) Technologies for Proteomic-Based Drug Development
- Selective Enhancer of Tumor Vascular Permeability for Optimization of Cancer Chemotherapy (Pharmacognosy)
- Effective Cancer Targeting Using an Anti-tumor Tissue Vascular Endotheliumm specific Monoclonal Antibody (TES-23)
- Prolongation of the Effective Duration of Cytomedical Therapy by Re-injecting SK2 Hybridoma Cells Microencapsulated within Alginate-Poly(L)lysine-Alginate Membranes into Human Interleukin-6 Transgenic Mice
- ナノマテリアルの動態特性と免疫毒性
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- リポソームの陽電荷密度上昇による腫瘍ワクチン用アジュバント効果増強
- 抗原分子の生体内および細胞内動態制御による効果的な免疫反応の誘導 : 膜融合リポソームの抗原提示促進作用とアジュバント効果
- 膜融合リポソームを用いた外来性抗原の MHC class I 分子を介する抗原提示
- 膜融合リポソームによる体液性免疫誘導増強
- ワクチンベクターとしてのLipofectinによる抗原提示促進作用とin vivoにおけるアジュバント効果
- Neutralizing Antibody Evasion Ability of Adenovirus Vector Induced by the Bioconjugation of Methoxypolyethylene Glycol Succinimidyl Propionate(MPEG-SPA)(Biopharmacy)
- Anti-angiogenic Effects of Dimethyl Sulfoxide on Endothelial Cells(Pharmacognosy)
- グルコースセンサー機能を有する細胞性製剤の糖尿病治療への可能性
- 腫瘍組織血管内皮細胞の物質透過機構に関する基礎的検討
- 膜融合リポソームによる細胞内薬物動態制御法の確立とその応用(誌上シンポジウム)
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- ウイルス機能を基盤とするDDSキャリアーの開発と応用 (特集 研究・診断・治療・ヘルスケアに展開する DDS--遺伝子導入・薬剤キャリアの基盤技術)
- 3P-081 ファージ表面提示法を用いたTNFR1指向性リンフォトキシンαの創製とその特性評価(蛋白質工学,進化工学,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Evaluation of Angiogenic Inhibitors with an in vivo Quantitative Angiogenesis Method Using Agarose Microencapsulation and Mouse Hemoglobin Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
- Selective Enhancement by Tumor Necrosis Factor-α of Vascular Permeability of New Blood Vessels Induced with Agarose Hydrogel-entrapped Meth-A Fibrosarcoma Cells
- A Quantitative in vivo Method of Analyzing Human Tumor-induced Angiogenesis in Mice Using Agarose Microencapsulation and Hemoglobin Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
- トキシコキネティクス/トキシコプロテオーム解析によるナノマテリアルの生物学的影響評価(誌上シンポジウム)
- Conjugation of a Laminin-Related Antimetastatic Peptide with Chitosan (Part 3)
- ナノマテリアルの安全確保に向けたNano-Safety Science研究
- Growth Inhibition of Human Leukemia HL-60 Cells by an Antisense Phosphodiester Oligonucleotide Encapsulated into Fusogenic Liposomes
- Regioselective Conjugation of Chitosan with a Laminin-related Peptide, Tyr-Ile-Gly-Ser-Arg, and Evaluation of Its Inhibitory Effect on Experimental Cancer Metastasis
- In vivo Anti-tumor Efficacy of Polyethylene Glycol-modified Tumor Necrosis Factor-α against Tumor Necrosis Factor-resistant Tumors
- Preferential Activity of Wild-type and Mutant Tumor Necrosis Factor-α against Tumor-derived Endothelial-like Cells
- 22C-09-1 A novel CTL vaccine delivery system using fusogenic liposomes.
- Preparation of Laminin γ1 Chain Related Peptide Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Hybrid
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXXI. Preparation of Analogs of the Laminin-Related Peptide YIGSR and Their Inhibitory Effect on Experimental Metastasis
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXX. Preparation of Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) Hybrids with Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Analogs and Their Antimetastatic Effect
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXIX. Synthesis and Antimetastatic Effects of Peptides and Peptide-Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Hybrids Related to the Core Sequence of the Type III Connecting Segment Domain of Fibronectin
- Preparation of Laminin-related Peptide Analogs and Their Inhibitory Effect on Experimental Metastasis in Mice
- Effect of Additives on Dissolution and Swelling of Soybean Lecithin Microcapsules Prepared Using the Wurster Process
- Phase Separation in Microcapsule Membranes Composed of Soybean Lecithin, Cholesterol, Stearic Acid and Polyvinylpyrrolidone
- Isolation and Properties of Tumor-derived Endothelial Cells from Rat KMT-17 Fibrosarcoma
- 食品分野におけるナノテクノロジーの安全性
- Preparation of A Fibronectin-related Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Hybrid and Its Inhibitory Effect on Experimental Metastasis in Mice
- インフラマソームの活性とシリカ粒子の性状 (特集 インフラマソーム)
- Modifying the antigen-immunization schedule improves the variety of monoclonal antibodies obtained from immune-phage antibody libraries against HIV-1 Nef and Vif(MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Safety Evaluation Study of Nanomaterials Aimed at Promoting Their Acceptance by Society
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- ラミニン由来ガン転移抑制ペプチドとキトサンとのハイブリッド体の調製
- ナノマテリアルの安全確保に向けた Nano-Safety Science 研究
- バイオコンジュゲートによる生理活性物質の生体内挙動制御と薬効増強
- The Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Reproductive Developmental Field
- Relation Analysis between Intracellular Distribution of Nanomateriarls, ROS Generation and DNA Damage
- Recent Topics about Nano-safety Science and Its Future
- Resent Topics on Development of Nanomaterials and Nano-Safety Science