Effect of Additives on Dissolution and Swelling of Soybean Lecithin Microcapsules Prepared Using the Wurster Process
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Microcapsules whose membranes contained soybean lecithin (SL), cholesterol (CH), stearic acid (SA) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) at various compositions were prepared. Then, dissolution and swelling behaviors of the microcapsules in a 0.9% saline solution were studied to be related to the phase diagram of three components containing 42% of PVP in anhydrous state. In the aqueous solution, when an anhydrous microcapsule membrane was composed of SL not saturated with both CH and SA, the microcapsules showed rapid release of carbazochrome sodium sulfonate (CCSS, a model drug), poor particle-swelling and spouting of droplets containing CCSS. Long-delayed relase of CCSS and drastic particle-swelling with no spouting of droplets were observed when the anhydrous membrane was composed of SL saturated with both CH and SA and the composition was not close to the two-component line, CH-SA, or to the saturation line. The spounting of droplets would be attributable to the CH and/or SA-poor SL phase and to the SL phase which dissolved CH and SA, but contained either CH or SA only in a small amount, and the delayed relase would be due to the CH and SA-rich SL phase dissoleving a great amount of CH and SA formed by hydration. The degree of release suppression and particle-swelling depended on the SL content. At 20-45% of SL content, the prologed-release, great particle-swelling and no spouting of drolets at the early stage were observed only when the CH and SA-rich SL phase formed by hydration contained a high content of CH and SA.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1997-12-15
村田 佳津子
中村 健治
村田 佳津子
村田 佳津子
Department Of Radiology Faculty Of Medicine Osaka City University
提 康央
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
中村 健治
市川 秀喜
Nakamura Katsuya
Medicinal Chemistry Research Laboratories Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
市川 秀喜
神戸学院大学薬学部物性薬学部門製剤学研究室 同ライフサイエンス産学連携研究センター
Nakamura K
Department Of Pharmacology School Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences Mukogawa Women's Univ
Nakamura Kenji
Department of Surgery, Tokai University School of Medicine
FUKUMORI Yoshinobu
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe-Gakuin University
Department of Radiology, Osaka City General Hospital
福森 義信
神戸学院大学 薬学部
Fukumori Yoshinobu
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe-gakuin University
Fukumori Yoshinobu
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Kobe Gakuin University
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Cooperative Research Center of Life Sciences, Kobe Gakuin Uni
Ichikawa Hideki
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Kobe Gakuin University
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
Nakamura Katsuji
Tsukuba Research Laboratories Eisai Co. Ltd.
Jono Kaori
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
Murata Katsuko
Department Of Radiology Osaka City General Hospital
堤 康央
Pharmaceutical Department, Itami Municipal Hospital
Pharmaceutical Department, Itami Municipal Hospital
Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Osaka City University
Morimoto A
Department Of Radiology Faculty Of Medicine Osaka City University
Kanamori R
Pharmaceutical Department Itami Municipal Hospital
金森 隆一
Pharmaceutical Department Itami Municipal Hospital
Nakamura K
Department Of Physiology Ii Iwate Medical University School Of Medicine
Nakamura Kenji
Department Of Anatomy Graduate School Of Medicine Osaka City University
Morimoto Atsuko
Department Of Algesiology Aichi Medical University
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