Morphological comparisons between three species of the Ryukyu spiny rats
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Mammalogical Society of Japanの論文
- 2008-06-01
HAYASHI Yoshihiro
Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University
遠藤 秀紀
本道 栄一
Department Zootechnical Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Laboratory Of Wild Animals Department Of Animal Sciences Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Experimental Animal Center, Miyazaki Medical College
遠藤 秀紀
Amami Laboratory of Injurious Animals, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
ENDO Hideki
The University Museum, The University of Tokyo
Endo Hideki
The University Museum The University Of Tokyo
Hattori S
Amami Laboratory Of Injurious Animals The Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School Kochi University
遠藤 秀紀
The University Museum The University Of Tokyo
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Laboratory Of Bioresources Applied Biology Co. Ltd.
Hattori Shosaku
Amami Branch Laboratory Institute Of Medical Science The University Of Tokyo
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Laboratory Of Wild Animals Department Of Animal Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of
Hayashi Y
Department Of Global Agricultural Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture And Agricultural Life Scie
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine Kochi University
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Micro System Engineering School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Gastroenterology Faculty Of Medicine Fukuoka University
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Laboratory of Wild Animals, Department of Animal Sciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science University of Tokyo
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