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Sry, Sox9 and M33 are thought to act as architectural transcription factors or as a chromatin regulator in gonadal development. However, the direct relationship between chromatin structure and sex determination has not yet been revealed. To clarify the effect of chromatin structural change on gonadal development, we examined the effects of trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, on mouse gonadal development in vitro. In the 0.1 μM treated testicular explants, the size of the gonad was significantly decreased, although the testicular cord formation occurred normally. In the 1.0 μM treated explants, the gonads revealed one or two large testicular cords. Sox9 and MIS expressions suggest that Sertoli cell differentiation is induced normally within the testicular cord, while Dnmt3b expression suggests that several immature Sertoli cells are located on the outside of the testicular cord. The 3β-hsd expression indicates that Leydig cell differentiation occurs normally. On the other hand, germ cell loss was observed in the treated testicular explants. In the treated ovarian explants, the number of premeiotic germ cells was reduced without gonadal size change. Thus, trichostatin A affects the development of germ cells, but does not affect sex determination.
- 日本繁殖生物学会の論文
HAYASHI Yoshihiro
Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University
金井 克晃
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, The University of Tokyo
水上 拓郎
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University
藤澤 正彦
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University
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