Signet-ring stromal tumor of the ovary : an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study with a review of the literature
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-09-01
Matsumoto Manabu
松山市民病院 臨床病理検査室
Division of Pathology, Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
HAYASHI Yoshihiro
Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University
IGUCHI Mitsuko
Laboratory of Diagnostic Pathology, Kochi Medical School Hospital
HIROI Makoto
Laboratory of Diagnostic Pathology, Kochi Medical School Hospital
Iguchi Mitsuko
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Iguchi Mitsuko
Laboratory Of Diagnostic Pathology Kochi Medical School Hospital
Hiroi Makoto
Laboratory Of Diagnostic Pathology Kochi Medical School Hospital
Hiroi Makoto
高知医科大学附属病院 病理診断部
Hiroi M
Laboratory Of Diagnostic Pathology Kochi Medical School Hospital
Hiroi Makoto
First Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School
Ohtsuki Yuji
Division Of Pathology Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
Toi Makoto
Laboratory Of Diagnostic Pathology Kochi Medical School Hospital
Okada Yuhei
Division Of Pathology Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
Laboratory of Diagnostic Pathology, Kochi Medical School Hospital
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University
Ikegami Nobuo
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Tamura Masato
Department Of Urology Kochi Red Cross Hospital
Ohtsuki Y
Division Of Pathology Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
Ohtsuki Y
松山市民病院 臨床病理検査室
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Matsumoto Manabu
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Iguchi Mitsuko
Department Of Hematology And Respiratory Medicine Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Pathology Kochi University School Of Medicine
Miyoshi Isao
Department Of Hematology And Respiratory Medicine Kochi University School Of Medicine
Miyoshi Isao
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kochi Medical School
Toi Makoto
Laboratory Of Diagnostic Pathology Kochi Medical School
Hayase Yoshizumi
The Department Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology Kochi Medical School
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine Kochi University
Miyoshi Isao
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Kochi University School Of Medicine
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Micro System Engineering School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Dapartment Of Pathology Kochi Medical School
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department Of Gastroenterology Faculty Of Medicine Fukuoka University
Matsumoto Manabu
Laboratory Of Diagnostic Pathology Kochi Medical School Hospital
Hayashi Yoshihiro
Department of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science University of Tokyo
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