Isolation of an anti-angiogenic substance from Agaricus blazei Murill : Its antitumor and antimetastatic actions
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-09-10
木村 善行
KIMURA Yoshiyuki
Baba K
Laboratory Of Pharmacognostical Sciences Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Baba Kimiye
Osaka Univ. Pharmaceutical Sci. Osaka Jpn
Baba Kimiye
Department Of Pharmacognosy Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Sumiyoshi Maho
Division Of Medical Bioscience Department Of Bioscience Integrated Center For Sciences Ehime Univers
Kiso Yoshinobu
Institute For Biomedical Research Suntory Ltd.
木村 善行
Kimura Yoshiyuki
Division Of Biochemical Pharmacology Department Of Basic Medical Research Graduate School Of Medicin
Kimura Yoshiyuki
Division Of Biochemical Pharmacology Department Of Basic Medical Research Ehime University Graduate
Kimura Yoshiyuki
愛媛大学 医学部分子細胞生物科学講座生化学分野
KIMURA Yoshiyuki
Second Department of Medical Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Ehime University
KIDO Tadashi
Department of Pharmacognosy, Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
TAKAKU Takeshi
Integrated Center for Sciences, Shigenobu Station, Ehime University
Second Department of Medical Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Ehime University
Kimura Yoshiyuki
Division Of Biochemical Pharmacology Department Of Integrated Medical Science School Of Medicine Ehi
Kido Tadashi
Department Of Pharmacognosy Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Takaku Takeshi
Integrated Center For Sciences Shigenobu Station Ehime University
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- Chemical studies on the root of Heracleum candicans Wall. (Part 3)
- Antitumor and antimetastatic actions by royal jelly in Lewis lung carcinoma-bearing mice
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- Studies on Scutellariae Radix. III. : Effects on Lipid Metabolism in Serum, Liver and Fat Cells of Rats
- Three New Saponins as Index Compounds of Glycyrrhiza flavescens BOISS. Growing in Turkey
- 食後の血中トリアシルグリセロールの上昇に及ぼすアカショウマエキスの影響
- Five condensed furanocoumarins from the root of Heracleum candicans Wall
- Four novel furanocoumarin glucosides, candinosides A, B, C and D, from Heracleum candicans Wall
- Studies on Chinese Traditional Medicine "Fang-Feng" (I) : Structures and Physiological Activities of Polyacetylene Compounds from Saposhnikoviae Radix
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- Three Chalcones from Angelica keiskei
- Bio-imaging of hydroxyl radicals in plant cells using the fluorescent molecular probe rhodamine B hydrazide, without any pretreatment(PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY)