Delayed Development of Reflexes and Hyperactive Locomotion in the Spontaneous Mutant "Waltzing" of the Musk Shrew, Suncus murinus
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The autosomal recessive mutation waltzing (wz), displaying abnormal circling and head-shaking behavior, has previously been reported in the musk shrew (Suncus murinus). Postnatal development of reflexes and locomotor patterns in an open arena were examined in wz/wz mutant shrews. The wz/wz shrews showed extreme developmental delays in surface-righting reflex and negative geotaxis until 10-16 days after birth, but both reflexes eventually recovered to the levels of +/wz normal. Nevertheless, the wz/wz adults exhibited bi-directional circling behavior 59 times, head-tossing behavior 22 times and horizontal head-shaking behavior 6 times more frequent than in the +/wz controls. Although the wz/wz adult shrews were extremely hyperactive with daily spontaneous locomotor activity exceeding 4-7 times control shrew activity, they appeared to have a normal circadian rhythm. This shrew mutant may therefore be useful as a model for hyperactivity syndromes in humans.
- 社団法人 日本実験動物学会の論文
Laboratory of Animal Genetics, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
Laboratory of Animal Genetics, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
Ohno T
Division Of Experimental Animals Center For Promotion Of Medical Research And Education Graduate Sch
Ohno Tamio
Division Of Experimental Animals Center For Promotion Of Medical Research And Education Graduate Sch
Ohno Tamio
Department Of Parasitology Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Namikawa T
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Namikawa Takao
名古屋大学 生命農学研究科動物遺伝制御学
Namikawa Takao
Laboratory Of Animal Genetics Department Of Applied Molecular Biosciences Graduate School Of Bioagri
Namikawa Takao
Laboratry Of Animal Genetics Division Of Applied Genetics And Physiology
Laboratry of Animal Genetics, Division of Applied Genetics and Physiology
Laboratory of Animal Information Biology, Division of Biofunction Development, Graduate School of Bi
Matsuura Ayuko
Laboratry Of Animal Genetics Division Of Applied Genetics And Physiology
Ishikawa A
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Matsushima Toshiya
Laboratory Of Animal Information Biology Division Of Biofunction Development Graduate School Of Bioa
Ishikawa Akira
Laboratory Of Animal Genetics Division Of Applied Genetics And Physiology Graduate School Of Bioagri
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