Jung H‐a | Coll. Of Oriental Medicine And Inst. Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee Univ.
Na Ho-jeong
Kim H‐m
Kyung Hee Univ. Seoul Kor
Kim Hyung
College Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University
Kim Hyung-min
Jeong Hyun-ja
Dep. Of Anatomy School Of Medicine Chonbuk National Univ.
Jung H‐s
Division In Anatomy And Developmental Biology Department Of Oral Biology College Of Dentistry Yonsei
Hong Seung-heon
Vestibulocochlear Research Center Of Wonkwang University
Hong S‐h
Hong Seung-heon
Hong Seung-heon
Department Of Oriental Pharmacy College Of Pharmacy Wonkwang University
Kim Hyung-Min
Department of Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee
Kim Hyung-min
Department Of Pharmacology College Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University
Jung Hyuk-sang
Biochip Research Center Hoseo University
Kim Hyung-min
College Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University
Kim Sung-hoon
Kim Su-jin
Vestibulocochlear Research Center Of Wonkwang University:college Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee Univ
Jeong Hyun-ja
Coll. Of Oriental Medicine And Inst. Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee Univ.
SHIN Taekyun
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Graduate School, Cheju National University
Jeong H‐j
Dep. Of Oriental Pharmacy Wonkwang Univ.
Kim Sung‐hoon
Kim Su-jin
Division Of Environmental Science And Technology Graduate School Of Agriculture
Hong Seung-Heon
College of Pharmacy, VCRC of Wonkwang University
Moon Phil-dong
College Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University
Moon Phil-dong
College Of Pharmacy Wonkwang University
KIM Heechul
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Graduate School, Cheju National University
Kim Sung
NA Ho-Jeong
College of Pharmacy, Woosuk University
AHN Meejung
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Graduate School, Cheju National University
Shin Tae
Department Of Veterinary Medicine Institute For Life Science Cheju National University
Um Jae-young
Acupuncture And Meridian Science Research Center Kyung Hee University:college Of Oriental Medicine K
Um Jae-young
College Of Pharmacy Wonkwang University
Kim You-ah
Div. Of Marine Environment & Bioscience Korea Maritime Univ.
CHOI In-Young
VestibuloCochlear Research Center of Wonkwang University
AN Hyo-Jin
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
AN Nyeon-Hyoung
College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
An Hyo-jin
College Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University
An Hyo-jin
An Hyo-jin
Department Of Pharmacology College Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University
Department of Dental Pharmacology, School of Dentistry, Wonkwang University
MOON Changjong
Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Applied Life Science and Applied Radiological Science
Kim Yun-kyung
Department Of Oriental Pharmacy College Of Pharmacy Wonkwang University
Kim You-ah
Kim Y‐k
Wonkwang Univ. Jeonbuk Kor
Shin T
Kim M‐s
Vestibulocochlear Research Center Of Wonkwang University
SOH Yunjo
Department of Dental Pharmacology, School of Dentistry, Chonbuk National University
SOHN Nak-Won
Graduate School of East-West Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Jeong Hyun-Ja
Biochip Research Center, Hoseo University
Um Jae-young
PARK Rae-Kil
VestibuloCochlear Research Center of Wonkwang University
LEE Kang-Min
Division of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Science, Chonbuk National University
AN Hyo-Jin
Department of Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine. Kyung Hee University
LEE Eon-Jeong
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
CHUNG Hwan-Suck
Department of Oriental Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
Department of Oriental Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
KIM Seungjoon
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Graduate School, Cheju National University
Lee K‐m
Division Of Biological Sciences College Of Natural Science Chonbuk National University
WON Jin-Hee
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
Park S‐g
Dep. Of Prescriptionology Coll. Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee Univ.
JUNG Hyuk-Sang
College of Oriental Medicine and Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Yang Deok-chun
Yang Deok-chun
Department Of Oriental Medicine Material And Processing Kyung Hee University
Um Jae-Young
Department of Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee
KIM Cheorl-Ho
Department of Biological Science, Sungkyunkwan University and National Research Laboratory for Glyco
Choi Jong-won
Han Na-ra
Oriental Medical Sci. Center Coll. Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee Univ.
KIM Su-Jin
College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
SHIN Tae-Yong
College of Pharmacy, Woosuk University
SONG Bong-Keun
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
KIM Sung-Hoon
Graduate School of East-West Medical Science, Kyunghee University
KIM Yun-Kyung
College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
CHUNG Hwan-Suck
College of Pharmacy, VestibuloCochlear Research Center of Wonkwang University
PARK Rae-Kil
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, VestibuloCochlear Research Center of Wonkwang University
KIM Mi-Sun
Department of Oriental Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
BAEK Seung-Hwa
Department of Herbal Resources, Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang Universi
Department of Phpysics, Hanyang University
Department of Dental Pharmacology, School of Dentistry, Wonkwang University
Department of Pharmacology and Institute of Cardiovascular Research, School of Medicine, Chonbuk Nat
KIM Eun-Young
Department of Biotechnology, Pukyong National University
WON Jong-Heon
Department of Biochemistry, College of Pharmacy, Kyung-Hee University
Baek S‐h
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology College Of Medicine Yeungnam University
Baek Suk-hwan
Baek Seung-hwa
Department Of Herbal Resources Professional Graduate School Of Oriental Medicine Wonkwang Univerisy
Baek Seung-hwa
Kim Yun-kyung
College Of Pharmaceutics Wonkwang University
Chae Han-jung
Dep. Of Pharmacology And Inst. Of Cardiovascular Res. School Of Medicine Chonbuk National Univ.
Chae Han-jung
Department Of Dental Pharmacology And Wonkwang Dental Research Institute School Of Dentistry Wonkwan
MOON Phil-Dong
Department of Oriental Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
CHOI In-Young
Department of Oriental Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
Yang Deok
Department of Oriental Medicinal Material & Processing, College of Life Science, Kyung Hee Universit
Kim Hyung
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Cardiovascular Labor
Lee Joo-Young
Department of Ergonomics, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University
Lim Chang-Shin
College of Oriental Medicine and Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Kim Eun-Young
College of Oriental Medicine and Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Lee Hyun-Sam
College of Oriental Medicine and Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
SOHN Youngjoo
College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University
Graduate School of East-West Medicine, Kyung Hee University
KIM Yoon-Bum
College of Oriental Medicine and Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
KIM Hong
College of Medicine, Kohwang Medical Research Institute, Kyung Hee University
KIM Hyung
College of Pharmacy, Pusan National University
Na Ho-Jeong
Department of Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee
Kim Su-Jin
Department of Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee
Rim Hong-Kun
Department of Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee
Myung Noh-Yil
Department of Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee
Moon Phil-Dong
Oriental Medical Science Center, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Han Na-Ra
Oriental Medical Science Center, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Seo Jae-Uk
Cancer Preventive Material Development Research Center, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Ori
Kang Tae-Hee
Cancer Preventive Material Development Research Center, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Ori
Kim Jae-Joong
Cancer Preventive Material Development Research Center, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Ori
Choi Youngjin
Biochip Research Center, Hoseo University
Kang In-Cheol
Biochip Research Center, Hoseo University
Kim You-Ah
Division of Marine Environment & Bioscience, Korea Maritime University
Seo Young-Wan
Division of Marine Environment & Bioscience, Korea Maritime University
Kim Dong-hyun
Td Team R&d Center Samsung Electronics Co.ltd.
Seo Jae-uk
Cancer Preventive Material Dev. Res. Center Dep. Of Pharmacology Inst. Of Oriental Medicine Coll. Of
Kang Tae-hee
Cancer Preventive Material Dev. Res. Center Dep. Of Pharmacology Inst. Of Oriental Medicine Coll. Of
Kim Su-jin
Myung Noh-yil
Acupuncture And Meridian Science Research Center Kyung Hee University
Myung Noh-yil
SHIN Bong-Gi
VestibuloCochlear Research Center of Wonkwang University
KIM Dong-Hyun
VestibuloCochlear Research Center of Wonkwang University
KIM Min-cheol
VestibuloCochlear Research Center of Wonkwang University
LEE Jeong-Han
VestibuloCochlear Research Center of Wonkwang University
KIM Na-Hyung
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
SO Hong-seob
VestibuloCochlear Research Center of Wonkwang University
LEE Min-Gu
Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
MOON Byung-Soon
Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
College of Pharmacy, Woosuk University
LEE Hong-Beom
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
JUNG Hee-Jae
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
JUNG Sung-Ki
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
RHEE Hyung-Koo
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
SHIN Hye-Young
Department of Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine. Kyung Hee University
SEO Sang-Wan
College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
KWON Yong-Taek
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
KIM So-Jin
Department of Oriental Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
AHN Jong-Woong
Natural Products Research Team, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
Lee Eun-ok
Coll. Of Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee Univ.
Department of Dental Pharmacology, School of Dentistry, Wonkwang University
Department of Dental Pharmacology, School of Dentistry, Wonkwang University
Department of Dental Pharmacology, School of Dentistry, Wonkwang University
Department of Radiation Oncology
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Department of Oriental Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Center of Oriental Medicinal Science, Wonkwang
Kim Doo-young
School Of Electrical Eng. Seoul National Univ.
Kim Jong
Department Of Anatomy Wonkwang University
Kim Yun-kyung
JEONG Chan-woo
Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Applied Life Science and Applied Radiological Science
Moon Sun-rock
Kim Hyung
Department Of Biochemistry Ewha Womans University School Of Medicine
Shin Min
Departments Of Preventive Medicine Chonnam National University Medical School
Jeon Hoon
College Of Pharmacy Woosuk University
Sohn Nak-won
Graduate School Of East-west Medicine Kyung Hee Univ.
Moon Sun-rock
Department Of Radiation Oncology School Of Pharmacy Center Of Oriental Medicinal Science Wonkwang Un
KIM Mi-Sun
College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
KWON Hyun-Jeong
College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
KIM Jeong-Joong
Department of Anatomy, Wonkwang University School of Medicine
LEE Seung
The New Life Health Center, and Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
LIM Jong
College of Pharmacy, Woosuk University
Do Keum-Rok
College of Oriental Medicine, and Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang Univer
College of Oriental Medicine, and Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang Univer
LYU Yeong-Su
College of Oriental Medicine, and Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang Univer
AHN Kyoo-Seok
Department of Food and Nutrition, Chung-Ang University
KIM Sung-Hoon
Department of Oncology, Graduate School of East-West Medical Science
Han Jo-il
Department Of Dental Pharmacology School Of Dentistry Wonkwang University
Han Jo-il
Department Of Dental Pharmacology School Of Dentistry Wonkwan University
KIM Jong-Hwan
Department of Gynecology, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
KIM Chul-Won
Department of Gynecology, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
YOO Sim-Keun
Department of Gynecology, School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
KIM Hong-Hee
National Research Laboratory for Bone Metabolism and Research Center for Proteinous Materials, Chosu
LEE Zang-Hee
National Research Laboratory for Bone Metabolism and Research Center for Proteinous Materials, Chosu
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Moon Goo
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
College of Pharmacy, Woosuk University
HONG Seung
College of Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
KO Seong-Gum
College of Oriental Pharmacy, Wonkwang University
LEE Hee-Jung
Division of Ocean Science, Korea Maritime University
JUNG Hyun-Ah
Division of Ocean Science, Korea Maritime University
SEO Youngwan
Division of Ocean Science, Korea Maritime University
OH Jay-Min
Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Wonkwang University
LEE Bong-Ho
Department of Applied Chemistry, Hanbat National University
CHOI Byoung-Wook
Department of Applied Chemistry, Hanbat National University
PARK Seong
College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
SEO Sang-Wan
Department of Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
KIM Tae-gyun
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
SHIN Jo-Young
College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
Kim Su-jin
Department Of Atmospheric Sciences Yonsei University
Yoo Sim-keun
Department Of Gynecology School Of Oriental Medicine Wonkwang University
Kim Chul-won
Department Of Gynecology School Of Oriental Medicine Wonkwang University
Kim Hong-hee
National Research Laboratory For Bone Metabolism
Lee Zang-hee
National Research Laboratory For Bone Metabolism And Research Center For Proteinous Materials Chosun
Jung K
Laboratory Of Immunomodulator Korea Research Institute Of Bioscience And Biotechnology
Sohn Nak-won
Graduate School Of East-west Medical Science Kyung Hee University
Hwang Woo-jun
College Of Oriental Medicine And Professional Graduate School Of Oriental Medicine Wonkwang Universi
Kim Moon
Department Of Immunology School Of Medicine Kyungpook National University
Kim Hyung
College Of Oriental Medicine Institute Of Oriental Medicine Oriental Medical Science Center Kyung He
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