- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本ウマ科学会の論文
- 2002-12-01
大澤 健司
YANO Hideo
Division of Applied Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Matsui Akira
Equine Science Division Hidaka Training And Research Center Japan Racing Association
Division of Applied Biosciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Osawa Tomoko
Kyoto Racing Course
Roppongi Office, Japan Racing Association
Equine Science Division, Hidaka Yearling Training Farm Japan Racing Association
Asai Y
Japan Racing Assoc. Hokkaido Jpn
Asai Yo
Equine Research Institite Japan Racing Association
Matsui Tohru
Division Of Applied Biosciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Osawa T
Laboratory Of Theriogenology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate Universi
Osawa T
Laboratory Of Theriogenology Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Osawa Takeshi
Laboratory Of Theriogenology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate Universi
藤川 洋史
Roppongi Office Japan Racing Association
Fujikawa H
Japan Racing Assoc. Tokyo Jpn
Fujikawa Hirofumi
Roppongi Office Japan Racing Association
Matsui A
Japan Racing Assoc. Hokkaido Jpn
Yano Hideo
Division Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Osawa Takeshi
岩手大学 農学部獣医学科獣医臨床繁殖学
Matsui Akira
Equine Research Institite Japan Racing Association
松井 朗
Equine Science Division, Hidaka Yearling Training Farm
大澤 登茂子
Kyoto Racing Course
Division of Applied Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
- ワンボイント質問 受胎率の落とし穴
- 人工授精後の黒毛和種牛に対する連続経腟採卵-牛胚体外生産法の適用
- 血清性腺刺激ホルモンの低値と精子形成の停止をともなった犬の下垂体色素嫌性癌の1例(短報)
- 顆粒膜細胞腫(GTCT)に罹患した雌馬6例の卵胞におけるインヒビンα, βAおよびβBサブユニットとアロマターゼの局在(臨床繁殖学)
- Milk Calcium Taken with Cheese Increases Bone Mineral Density and Bone Strength in Growing Rats(Food & Nutrition Science)
- β-Catenin gene mutation in human hair follicle-related tumors
- Cytotoxicity of Histocompatibility Leukocyte Antigen-DR8-restricted CD4+ Killer T Cells against Human Autologous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- 難産、胎盤停滞、およびボディコンディションが周産期乳牛の血漿中ベータエンドルフィン動態に及ぼす影響
- β-Hydroxybutyrate, a Cerebral Function Improving Agent, Protects Rat Brain Against Ischemic Damage Caused by Permanent and Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia
- 顆粒膜細胞腫に罹患した6例の雌馬における罹患卵巣摘出前後の内分泌学的変化(臨床繁殖学)
- 卵巣静止および正常発情周期を示す肉用牛における排卵同期化プログラムの有効性の比較
- 長期空胎の黒毛和種放牧牛に対する定時授精プログラムの応用
- Availability of a Zinc Amino Acid Chelate for Growing Pigs
- IGF-Iによる妊娠早期のサラブレッド雌馬の卵胞発育促進(臨床繁殖学)
- 生後発育に伴うウシ精巣のα-SMAおよび vimentin の免疫組織化学的局在
- 動物園鳥類および野生鳥類におけるPCR法による雌雄判別法の検討(繁殖学)
- Relationship between the Total Sweating Rate and the Unit Area Sweating Rate at the Neck during Exercise in Horses
- 乳用未経産牛の人工授精直後の陰唇刺激が受胎率に及ぼす効果
- Effect of Suckling on Embryo Production by Repeated Ovum Pick-Up Before and After Timed Artificial Insemination in Early Postpartum Japanese Black Cows
- 繁殖性と産乳性が低いホルスタイン種体細胞クローン牛の臨床所見ならびに病理所見
- 萎縮反対側卵巣が自然治癒した馬顆粒膜細胞種の一例(短報)(臨床繁殖学)
- Model Analysis of Mixing Time Correlation in an Agitated Vessel with Paddle Impeller
- 顆粒膜細胞腫に罹患した黒毛和種牛2例の内分泌学的検索
- ヤギの発情期の末梢血中に出現するインスリン様成長因子-I(IGF-I)の由来について
- Influence of Training on Heart Rate Variability in Young Thoroughbred Horses
- Response of Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism to Exercise Intensity in Thoroughbred Horses
- Effect of Organic Minerals Supplementation on Bone Development in Young Horses
- Apparent digestibilities of diets based on timothy and Italian ryegrass hay harvested in different regions in Japan fed to exercising Thoroughbreds
- 国内の飼養する地域がサラブレッド育成馬の可消化エネルギー摂取量および発育に及ぼす影響 : 日高と宮崎の比較
- The Impact of Feeding with Basic Fraction Milk Protein (BFMP) on the Bone Metabolism of Foals
- Adaptation of Thoroughbreds to Oxygen Transport Mechanisms through Training
- トレッドミルを利用したウマおよび騎乗者運動リズムのVTR連続静止画像解析
- 馬の乳中アミノ酸濃度の日内変化
- Effects of Feeding a High-Protein Diet Immediately after Exercise on the Concentration of Plasma Free-Amino Acids and Body Condition Score of Yearling Horses
- Effects of Exercise on Iron Metabolism in Thoroughbred Horses
- 卵巣内卵胞の発育と血漿中ステロイドホルモンおよび性腺刺激ホルモンに及ぼす組換型ブタインヒビンαサブユニットのポニー種雌馬への受動免疫の効果
- 性腺刺激ホルモン放出ホルモン(GnRH)作動薬による雌馬の排卵調節時の抹消血中luteinizing hormone(LH),folliclestimulating hormone(FSH),immunoreactive(ir-) inhibin, progesterone(p)とestradiol-17β(E2)濃度
- 顆粒膜細胞腫に罹患した雌馬16等の罹患卵巣摘出前後の臨床所見
- Immunoreactive Insulin-Like Growth Factor in Plasma during Pre- and Post-Partum Periods of Thoroughbred Mares from which the Newborn were Removed : its Pattern, Physiological Function and Relation to Other Hormones
- Biochemistry: BMP inhibition with dorsomorphin limits adipogenic potential of preadipocytes
- サラブレッド種子馬の哺育期における個体維持行動
- ヤギの発情期の末梢血中に出現するインスリン様成長因子-I(IGF-I)の由来について
- Temporal Changes in Concentrations of Branched-Chain Amino Acids in Plasma on Healthy Mares and Foals from Birth to 24 Weeks of Age
- 顆粒膜細胞腫に罹患した雌馬の内分泌動態
- 馬の運動中発汗量の部位別による違い
- Effect of Exercise on the Apparent Energy Digestibility of Timothy and Alfalfa Hay in Thoroughbred Horses
- 2歳馬の低温環境下での運動時発汗量およびミネラル損失量の推定
- 子馬の乳摂取量および乳由来ミネラル摂取量に関する研究
- サラブレッド種子馬の哺育期における行動
- 育成馬の可消化エネルギ-要求量
- 馬の運動時における発汗量および汗中ミネラル流出量の推定
- 母馬が病死した哺乳期子馬の飼養管理例
- Effect of β-Hydroxybutyrate, a Cerebral Function Improving Agent, on Cerebral Hypoxia, Anoxia and Ischemia in Mice and Rats
- Power Consumption and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Volumetric Coefficient in an Agitated Vessel with Pitched Wire-Gauze Blade Impeller under Aeration
- Correlation of Discharge Flow Rate in a Vessel with Pitched Blade Paddle Impeller
- Survey of the Occurrence of Equine Deep Digital Flexor Tendon Contraction (Clubfoot) in the Main Thoroughbred Breeding Area in Japan
- Absorption of Zinc from Dietary Casein Phosphopeptide Complex with Zinc in Rats Given a Soybean Protein-Based Diet
- Plasma and Fecal Sex Steroid Hormone Profiles During the Estrous Cycle in a Japanese Serow (Capricornis crispus)
- ウシXY雌におけるeCG、hCG、GnRH-A投与前後の血中FSH、LH、inhibin、E2、P、T濃度の変化
- ウルグアイにおける畜産事情と家畜臨床上の諸問題
- A nationwide survey on seroprevalence of Neospora caninum infection in beef cattle in Uruguay
- 分娩時における母馬と子馬の血漿中のス-パ-オキシド消去活性の変化
- 子牛における腸間膜の長軸捻転の1例
- 血中プロジェステロン(P4)濃度からみた牛の卵胞嚢腫および卵巣静止における診断精度の評価
- ホルスタイン種経産牛における子宮外膜部の巨大被包化膿瘍を伴う子宮蓄膿症の一例
- Epidemiological Survey of Border Disease Virus among Sheep from Northern Districts of Japan
- Fibrolipoma of a Cryptorchid Testis in a Young Bull
- Applicability of a Progesterone-Based Timed Artificilal Insemination Protocol after Follicular Fluid Aspiration Using the Ovum Pick-up Technique in Suckled Beef Cows
- Effect of Synchronisation of Ovulation on Ovarian Profile and Days Open in Holstein Cows Diagnosed as Nonpregnant 26 Days after Timed Artificial Insemination
- Applicability of a Progesterone-Based Timed AI Protocol after Follicular Fluid Aspiration Using the Ovum Pick-up Technique in Suckled Beef Cows
- Effects of Rations and Age on Mineral Concentrations of Throughbred Mare's Colostrum
- Basal Levels and GnRH-induced Responses of Peripheral Testosterone and Estrogen in Holstein Bulls with Poor Semen Quality
- Determination of plasma vitamin C concentration in fattening cattle
- Brewer's yeast efficiently degrades phytate phosphorus in a corn-soybean meal diet during soaking treatment
- ウルグアイ共和国大学獣医学部の概要と教授選考方法
- 分娩後早期の子宮環境コントロールによる受胎性の改善
- The Branched-chain Amino Acid Requirement of Thoroughbred Horses Estimated by Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation (IAAO)
- Empirical Growth Curve Estimation Using Sigmoid Sub-functions that Adjust Seasonal Compensatory Growth for Male Body Weight of Thoroughbred Horses
- Fermentation of Soybean Flour with Aspergillus usamii Improves Availabilities of Zinc and Iron in Rats
- Effect of Follicular Aspiration at the Onset of Progesterone-based Timed Artificial Insemination on the Follicular Dynamics and Fertility of Early Postpartum Japanese Black Cows
- Serological Survey to Determine the Occurrence of Malignant Catarrhal Fever Infection in the Japanese Small Ruminant Population from Northern Districts
- Application of Timed Artificial Insemination Protocols to Grazing Japanese Black Cattle with Long Open Period
- Availability of a Zinc Amino Acid Chelate for Growing Pigs
- Absorption of Zinc from Dietary Casein Phosphopeptide Complex with Zinc in Rats Given a Soybean Protein-Based Diet.
- Epidemiological Survey for Toxoplasma gondii, Chlamydiapsittaci var. ovis, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, Coxiella burnetii, Brucella spp., Leptospirosis and Orf Virus among Sheep from Northern Districts of Japan
- 分娩後の乳牛における Mycoplasma bovigenitalium 子宮内感染と難産および子宮内膜炎との関係