Matsui Akira | Equine Research Institite Japan Racing Association
Matsui Akira
Equine Science Division Hidaka Training And Research Center Japan Racing Association
Matsui Akira
Equine Research Institite Japan Racing Association
Asai Yo
Equine Research Institite Japan Racing Association
Equine Science Division, Hidaka Yearling Training Farm Japan Racing Association
Asahida Y
Equine Science Division Hidaka Training And Research Center Japan Racing Association
Matsuura A
Amano Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Aichi Jpn
Matsuura Akihiro
Oral Surgery Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Matsuura Akihiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Matsuura Akihiro
Shimizu Research Laboratories Reseach And Development Division Shimizu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Miyazaki Akihiro
Department Of Oral Surgery Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
- Relationship between the Total Sweating Rate and the Unit Area Sweating Rate at the Neck during Exercise in Horses
- Response of Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism to Exercise Intensity in Thoroughbred Horses
- Apparent digestibilities of diets based on timothy and Italian ryegrass hay harvested in different regions in Japan fed to exercising Thoroughbreds
- 国内の飼養する地域がサラブレッド育成馬の可消化エネルギー摂取量および発育に及ぼす影響 : 日高と宮崎の比較
- 馬の乳中アミノ酸濃度の日内変化
- Temporal Changes in Concentrations of Branched-Chain Amino Acids in Plasma on Healthy Mares and Foals from Birth to 24 Weeks of Age
- 馬の運動中発汗量の部位別による違い
- 2歳馬の低温環境下での運動時発汗量およびミネラル損失量の推定
- Effects of Rations and Age on Mineral Concentrations of Throughbred Mare's Colostrum
- Empirical Growth Curve Estimation Using Sigmoid Sub-functions that Adjust Seasonal Compensatory Growth for Male Body Weight of Thoroughbred Horses