Studies on Constituents of Plantaginis Herba 9.Inhibitory Effects of Flavonoids from Plantago Herb on HIV-Reverse Transcriptase Activity
西部 三省
Univ. Hokkaido Hokkaido Jpn
西部 三省
北海道医療大 薬
Nishibe Sansei
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Higashi Nippon Gakuen University
西部 三省
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido
- 生薬の生理活性リグナン成分
- 85(PA3-5) 杜仲の成分(ポスター発表の部)
- オウバクの産地による品質の多様性(2)リモノイドの含有量
- レンギョウおよびレンギョウ葉のリグナン含量について
- レンギョウおよびシャゼンシの指標成分と確認試験について
- 杜仲葉エキスの血圧降下に関する研究(第2報)
- Microscopic Identification of Folium Apocini Veneti (Luobumaye) in Chinese Commercial Products.
- 48 ヘラオオバコにおける機能性成分蓄積の季節変化
- Inhibition of Adenosine 3', 5'-Cyclic Monophosphate Phosphodiesterase by Lignan Glucosides of Eucommia Bark
- Introduction of an Alcoholic Hydroxyl Group into 2,3-Dibenzylbutyrolactone Lignans with Oxidizing Agents and Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of the Oxidation Products
- 22 2,3-dibenzylbutyrolactone lignansの絶対構造について
- 超臨界流体抽出の生薬, 植物成分への応用(第2報)クマリン, リグナン及びプレニルフラボノイドについて
- レンギョウ及びシャゼンソウの確認試験に関する研究
- Search for Naturally Occurring Substances to Prevent the Complications of Diabetes. II. Inhibitory Effect of Coumarin and Flavonoid Derivatives on Bovine Lens Aldose Reductase and Rabbit Platelet Aggregation
- Pharacpgnostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (13) : Constituents of Seeds of Plantago sp.and commercial Plantago Seeds.
- Studies on Constituents of Plantaginis Herba 9 Inhibitory Effects of Flavonoids from Plantago Herba on HIV-reverse Transcriptase Activity.
- Discrimination of the Botanical Origin for Geranium Herb Based on Chemical Difference of Flavonoids.
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (9) : On the Morphology of Plantaginis Herba from China.
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (VII) on the Phenylethanoid Contents of Plantago spp.
- Comparison of Antioxidative Activity of Phenolic Compounds in Boreava orientalis and Their Related Compound
- Elucidation of the Structure of a New Lignan Glucoside from Olea europaea by Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Transformation of 2,3-Dibenzylbutyrolactone Lignans containing a Secondary Hydroxyl Group to Phenyltetralin Lignans and Their Reduction Products with Lithium Aluminum Hydride
- 生薬の基原と品質評価
- Trachelogenin Methyl Ether から Epitrachelogenin Methyl Ether への誘導
- Tannins and Related Polyphenols of Euphorbiaceous Plants. VIII. Eumaculin A and Eusupinin A, and Accompanying Polyphenols from Euphorbia maculata L. and E. Supina RAFIN.
- Phenolic Compounds from Stem Bark of Acanthopanax senticosus and Their Pharmacological Effect in Chronic Swimming Stressed Rats
- Inhibition of Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterase by Lignans
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Apocynum (2) : Comparative Anatomy of the Leaves of Apocynum and Poacynum spp..
- Studies on Comparative Anatomy of Leaf and Stem of Forsythia spp.
- Studies on Comparative Anatomy of Fruit of Forsythia Spp.
- Coumarins from Bark of Fraxinus japonica and F. mandshurica var. japonica
- Lignans from Bark of the Olea Plants. II
- Coumarin and Secoiridoid Glucosides from Bark of Olea africana and Olea capensis
- Effects of O-Methylation and O-Glucosylation on Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shifts of Matairesinol, (+)-Pinoresinol and (+)-Epipinoresinol
- Lignans from Bark of Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica and F. japonica
- Lignans from Bark of the Olea Plants. I
- Studies on the Chinese Crude Drug "Forsythiae Fructus."VII. A New Caffeoyl Glycoside from Forsythia viridissima
- 24 モクセイ科植物からのリグナン
- Studies on the Chinese Crude Drug "Forsythiae Fructus." VI. The Structure and Antibacterial Activity of Suspensaside isolated from Forsythia suspensa
- Phloroglucinol Derivatives of Dryopteris abbreviata
- The Structure of Forsythiaside isolated from Forsythia suspensa
- Isolation of Phenolic Compounds and Spectroscopic Analysis of a New Lignan from Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium
- Studies on the Constituents of Apocynaceae Plants. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric Determination of New Flavonoid Triglycosides from the Leaves of Cerbera manghas L. (2)
- キョウチクトウ科植物の成分研究バシクルモン葉よりフラボノール配糖体およびその他成分の分離 その1
- Melitric Acids A and B, New Trimeric Caffeic Acid Derivatives from Melissa officinalis
- Phenolic Compounds from Forsythia Leaves. II
- キョウチクトウ科植物の成分研究ミフクラギ葉よりフラボノール配糖体およびその他成分の分離 その1
- The Constituents of Eucommia ulmaides OLIV. VI. Isolation of a New Sesquilignan and Neolignan Glycosides(Organic,Chemical)
- The Constituents of Eucommia ulmoicles OLIV. V. Isolation of Dihydroxydehydrodiconiferyl Alcohol Isomers and Phenolic Compounds(Organic,Chemical)
- 漢薬・レンギョウの成分研究(第8報)チョウセンレンギョウ果実のフェニルプロパノイド配糖体とその抗菌作用
- The Constituents of Eucommia ulmoides OLIV. IV. Isolation of a New Sesquilignan Glycoside and Iridoids(Organic,Chemical)
- The Constituents of Eucommia ulmoides OLIV. III. : Isolation and Structure of a New Lignan Glycoside
- The Constituents of Eucommia ulmoides OLIV. II. Isolation and Structures of Three New Lignan Glycosides
- 羅布麻(紅麻 : Apocynum venetum L.) 葉エキスの降圧作用に関する研究(2)
- 羅布麻葉の確認試験とフラボノイド成分の定量について
- 羅布麻(紅麻 : Apocynum venetum L.)葉エキスの降圧作用に関する研究(1)
- Phenolic Compounds from Seeds of Plantago ovata and P. psyllium
- The Inhibitory Effects of Compounds from Olive Leaf on Tumor Necrosis Factor Production and on β-Hexosaminidase Release
- Studies on Constituents of Plantaginis Herba 9.Inhibitory Effects of Flavonoids from Plantago Herb on HIV-Reverse Transcriptase Activity
- Bioactive Phenolic Compounds from Catharanthus roseus and Vinca minor
- Studies on Constituents of Plantaginis Herba 7 : Flavonoids from Plantago asiatica and P. hostifolia
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Crataegus Fructus (I) : Flavonoids Contents in the Plants of Crataegus spp..
- Phenylethanoid Glycoside in the Leaves of Forsythia spp.
- 中薬・羅布麻の成分に関する研究-1-ApocynumとPoacynum属植物葉のフラボノイド配糖体と羅布麻製剤の基原植物鑑別への応用
- Phenylethanoid Glycosides from Plantago depressa
- Studies on Constituents of Plantaginis Herba 4. : on Phenylethanoid Glycosides of Plantago camtschatica.
- Studies on the Constituents of Chinese Medicine 'Luobumaye'(1) : On Flavonoid Glycosides of Genera Apocynum and Poacynum Leaves and Their Application to Method for Identification of Origin of Luobumaye Products.
- Studies of Constituents of Plantaginis Herba on Phenolic Iridoid Components of Plantago hostifolia.
- シソ科植物のタンニン活性成分(第1報) : 日本産シソ科植物の Rosmarinic Acid
- Di-O-methylhydroxythujaplicatin Methyl Ether, Pluviatolideおよび2-(3", 4"-Dimethoxybenzyl)-3-(3', 4'-methylenedioxybenzyl)butyrolactoneの絶対配置の化学的証明
- The Position of Glucose Linkage in Phillyrin
- 漢薬・レンギョウの成分研究(第1報)市販レンギョウの成分について
- Phenylethanoid Glycosides in the Fruits of Forsythia Spp.
- Studies on the Methods for Chemical Identification of Forsythiae Fructus and Plantaginis Herba.
- 漢薬・絡石藤に関する研究(第3報) : 市場品絡石藤の基原とその鑑別
- 杜仲葉エキスの血圧降下に関する研究(第2報)
- オウバクの産地による品質の多様性(2) : リモノイドの含有量
- 車前草の生薬学的研究(第13報) : オオバコ属植物の種子の成分と車前子の品質について
- 生薬ゲンノショウコのフラボノイド成分による基原判別
- 生薬の生理活性リグナン成分
- 羅布麻(紅麻:Apocynum venetum L.)葉エキスの降圧作用に関する研究(2)
- 羅布麻薬の確認試験とフラボノイド成分の定量について
- 羅布麻(紅麻:Apocynum venetum L.)葉エキスの降圧作用に関する研究(1)
- Trachelogenin Methyl EtherからEpitrachelogenin Methyl Etherへの誘導
- レンギョウおよびシャゼンシの指標成分と確認試験について
- 漢薬・紫花絡石及び絡石藤のリグナン成分の定量
- サンザシの生薬学的研究(1) : Crataegus属植物のflavonoid含量について
- レンギョウ属の葉のphenylethanoid配糖体について
- 漢薬・絡石藤に関する研究(第2報) : Trachelospermum jasminoidesを基原とする絡石藤の茎部の生理活性成分について
- レンギョウ属果実のphenylethanoid配糖体について
- 車前草の生薬学的研究(第7報) : オオバコ属植物中のフェニルエタノイド含量について
- 中薬・羅布麻の成分に関する研究(第1報) : ApocynumとPoacynum属植物葉のフラボノイド配糖体と羅布麻製剤の基原植物鑑別への応用
- 羅布麻の生薬学的研究(2) : ApocynumとPoacynumの葉の比較解剖
- 車前草の成分研究 4 : エゾオオバコPlantago camtschaticaのフェニルエタノイド配糖体成分について
- レンギョウ属植物の葉および茎の比較解剖
- レンギョウ属果実の比較解剖
- 漢薬・レンギョウの成分研究(第4報) : チョウセンレンギョウ果実および市場品韓国産レンギョウの成分について