立石 正登
海老原 昭夫
高山 房子
小池 勇一
大分医科大学 医学部臨床薬理
上田 寛一
立石 正登
小池 勇一
- MRSA除菌のためのカテキン吸入療法 : 多施設共同ランダム化比較試験
- 健常成人におけるバルプロ酸反復投与時の体内動態
- モルヒネ経口製剤の癌患者における薬物動態
- 癌患者における血中モルヒネ濃度と代謝物濃度比率の個人差
- モルヒネの腸管における代謝 : 癌患者での検討
- Theophyllineの薬物相互作用の母集団薬物動態解析
- テオフィリンの薬物相互作用の検討 : 薬物動態スクリーニング法による検討
- 臨床上重要な薬物相互作用・解説(11)非ステロイド性消炎鎮痛薬(NSAIDs)の薬物相互作用
- 臨床上重要な薬物相互作用・解説(最終回)TDM対象薬,CYP3A阻害薬
- 人参養栄湯に関する薬理学的基礎研究 : 第二報 人参養栄湯長期投与による生体内フリーラジカルおよび過酸化脂質の動態
- ヒスタミンH_2受容体遮断薬
- ID-23 バルプロ酸のTDM
- フリーラジカルに酸化ストレス : ESRによる測定法を中心に
- 人参養栄湯に関する薬理学的基礎研究 : 第一報 人参養栄湯のフリーラジカル消去作用
- 血液試料のルミノール増感化学発光検出による酸化ストレス測定法の標準化-生体内酸化ストレスの経時変化追跡を目的とした-
- 中枢神経系におけるフリーラジカルおよびその関連物質の測定
- 2、3のB型MAO阻害剤の慢性投与による老齢マウスの脳内の生化学的老化マーカーの変動
- ラット肝臓の虚血-再循環障害に対するリポ化プロスタグランジンE_1(リポPGE_1) の抑制効果
- ラット脳組織中の過酸化脂質に対する小柴胡湯および五味子の影響
- 実験的ラット肝臓の虚血―再循環モデルにおける肝障害 : 第2報:再循環の時間経過と肝障害の程度との関係
- 老齢ラット中枢コリン作動性神経系のムスカリン受容体,Acetylcholinesterase活性,Choline acetyltransferase活性およびコリン取り込みに対する加味帰脾湯の影響
- Dosage regimen for ranitidin in renal impairment. (2). Multiple oral dose studies.
- A compartment model for a sustained release preparation with zero-order release.
- Assessment of a simple method for acetylator phenotyping with caffeine.
- Polymorphous mode of caffeine metabolism in the Japanese poeple. On genotypes.
- Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety of bevantolol, a new .BETA.1-selective .BETA.-adrenoceptor antagonist, in Japanese healthy volunteers.
- Clinical pharmacological studies on a new .BETA.1 selective .BETA.-blocker, bevantolol.
- Intraarterial injection chemotherapy using water-in-oil(W/O) state cisplatin-lipiodol emulsion(CPLEM) for hepatocellular carcinoma.
- Factors of Altered Drug Binding to Serum Proteins In Vivo: Studies with Valproic Acid.
- Binding parameters during repeated dosing of valproic acid in healthy adults.
- Population pharmacokinetics of theophylline in patients with infantile bronchial asthma.
- Clinical pharmacology of ibopamine. (1). Safety and pharmacological actions after single and multiple oral doses in Japanese healthy subjects.
- Pharmacokinetics of bunazosin in renal dysfunction children.
- Pharmacokinetics of beta-methyldigoxin.
- Clinical pharmacology of nitrendipine - Single- and multiple-dose study in Japanese healthy subjects.:Single- and Multiple-Dose Study in Japanese Healthy Subjects
- Pharmacokinetics of ketoprofen sustained-releasing preparation (RPY-001) in Japanese normal adult persons.
- Pharmacodynamic and pharmacological effects of nipradilol (K-351) in healthy volunteers. Comparison with propranolol.:Comparison with Propranolol
- Influence of beta-adrenergic blocking agent on the circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension.
- Clinical phase I studies of a new antiemetic drug, SN-307 (ondansetron).
- タイトル無し
- Pharmacokinetics of digoxin in patients with duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- Dosage regimen for ranitidine in renal impairment.
- Effect of premedication term and premedication dose of diltiazem on pharmacokinetics of nifedipine.
- Effect of diltiazem on pharmacokinetics of theophylline.
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacological actions of MPC-1304, a Ca antagonist, in healthy adults.
- Effects of angiotensin II converting enzyme inhibitor enarapril on autonomic nervous system.
- Serum protein binding of valproic acid in epileptic patients under chronic monotherapy.
- Pharmacodynamic and pharmacological effects of MPC-1304, a new calcium channel blocker, in healthy subjects. Results of multiple oral administration.:Results of Multiple Oral Administration
- Effects of MPC-1304 on blood flow of the finger tip.
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic effects of sustained release formulation of urapidil (BKU) in healthy subjects. Results of repeated oral administration.:Results of Repeated Oral Administration
- タイトル無し
- Effect of beta-blockers on circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension.
- Clinical pharmacology of ibopamine. (2). Pharmacokinetics after single and multiple oral administration in healthy Japanese subjects.
- Pharmacodynamic and pharmacological effects of MPC-1304, a new calcium channel blocker, in healthy subjects. Results of single oral administration.:Results of Single Oral Administration
- 医学教育の中に「臨床薬理学」をどのように組み込むか? -学生実習としての「臨床薬効評価」-
- TDM of valproic acid(VPA).Study of an optimum blood sampling time.
- Pharmacokinetirs of diltiazem in patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.
- Various types of caffeine metabolism in Japanese people. Studies by urine per 2 hours.
- Valproic acid blood level prediction by population pharmacokinetics and Bayes estimation method.
- Diuretic and uricosuric effects of traxanox sodium in healthy subjects: Comparison with hydrochlorothiazide by multiple-dose study.
- Pharmacokinetic and pharmacological effects of urapidil in healthy volunteers. Comparative study with prazosin.:Comparative Study with Prazosin
- Chronopharmacological study of furosemide in human subjects.
- Pharmacokinetics of beta-methyldigoxin.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Pharmacokinetic and pharmacological properties of doxazosin mesilate in Japanese healthy adult volunteers.
- Comparison between direct assay and separating assay of blood beta-methyldigoxin by fluorescent polarized immunoassay.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Effect of other antiepileptics on simultaneous plasma concentration of carbamazepine and its epoxide metabolites.
- タイトル無し