Comparison between direct assay and separating assay of blood beta-methyldigoxin by fluorescent polarized immunoassay.
海老原 昭夫
中島 創
堤 喜美子
橋口 正行
木本 裕子
橋口 正行
堤 喜美子
- ブロマゼパムの薬物動態と薬効に及ぼすイトラコナゾールの影響
- Lorazepam の薬物動態に及ぼすテレビゲームの影響
- 5. 抗不安薬の作用の出現のしかたに及ぼす説明法の影響 : 実験的検討(教育・プライマリーケア)
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- 医学教育の中に「臨床薬理学」をどのように組み込むか? : 臨床薬物動態学とTDM
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- ヒスタミンH_2受容体遮断薬
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- Theophylline の体内動態に及ぼす性周期の影響
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- 薬物による Impaired Performance に関する研究 : ワープロ数字入力作業を指標にした Lorazepam と Placebo の比較試験
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- 医学教育の中に「臨床薬理学」をどのように組み込むか? : 治験と Informed Consent
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- 薬物治療とQOL : パソコンによるワープロ入力作業に及ぼす影響
- Dosage regimen for ranitidin in renal impairment. (2). Multiple oral dose studies.
- A compartment model for a sustained release preparation with zero-order release.
- Effects of administration timing on pharmacodynamics of amikacin.
- Effects of personality characteristic and psychological stress on plasma level and sedative action of Lorazepam.
- Effect of erythromycin and roxithromycin on the pharmacokinetics of theophylline.
- Effect of diltiazem and cimetidine on the metabolism of Propranolol.
- Pharmacokinetics of beta-methyldigoxin. Comparison between the results by FPIA method and the results by post-separation assay method.
- Assessment of a simple method for acetylator phenotyping with caffeine.
- Polymorphous mode of caffeine metabolism in the Japanese poeple. On genotypes.
- Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety of bevantolol, a new .BETA.1-selective .BETA.-adrenoceptor antagonist, in Japanese healthy volunteers.
- Clinical pharmacological studies on a new .BETA.1 selective .BETA.-blocker, bevantolol.
- Evaluation of arteria ophthalmica hemodynamics by ultrasonic wave colored Doppler method. Effects of exercise tolerance and antihypertensive agents.
- Population pharmacokinetics of theophylline in patients with infantile bronchial asthma.
- Clinical pharmacology of ibopamine. (1). Safety and pharmacological actions after single and multiple oral doses in Japanese healthy subjects.
- TDM of Digoxin and .BETA.-Methyldigoxin.
- Pharmacokinetics of beta-methyldigoxin.
- Clinical pharmacology of nitrendipine - Single- and multiple-dose study in Japanese healthy subjects.:Single- and Multiple-Dose Study in Japanese Healthy Subjects
- Pharmacokinetics of ketoprofen sustained-releasing preparation (RPY-001) in Japanese normal adult persons.
- Pharmacodynamic and pharmacological effects of nipradilol (K-351) in healthy volunteers. Comparison with propranolol.:Comparison with Propranolol
- Influence of beta-adrenergic blocking agent on the circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension.
- Clinical phase I studies of a new antiemetic drug, SN-307 (ondansetron).
- タイトル無し
- Pharmacokinetics of digoxin in patients with duchenne muscular dystrophy.
- Dosage regimen for ranitidine in renal impairment.
- Effect of premedication term and premedication dose of diltiazem on pharmacokinetics of nifedipine.
- Effect of diltiazem on pharmacokinetics of theophylline.
- Prediction of the serum unconjugated valproic acid concentration using a combination parameter.
- Effect of the antihistaminic on QOL.Indexing word processor input work by a personal computer.
- Effects of non-bonding clearance on a combination parameter between valproic acid and serum protein.
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacological actions of MPC-1304, a Ca antagonist, in healthy adults.
- Effects of angiotensin II converting enzyme inhibitor enarapril on autonomic nervous system.
- Pharmacodynamic and pharmacological effects of MPC-1304, a new calcium channel blocker, in healthy subjects. Results of multiple oral administration.:Results of Multiple Oral Administration
- Effect of Food and Gastric Acidity on the Pharmacokinetics of MPC-1304, a New Calcium Channel Blocker.
- Effects of MPC-1304 on blood flow of the finger tip.
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic effects of sustained release formulation of urapidil (BKU) in healthy subjects. Results of repeated oral administration.:Results of Repeated Oral Administration
- タイトル無し
- Clinical pharmacology of a new antiplatelet drug, KBT-3022. Results of single administration in Japanese healthy adults.
- Clinical pharmacology of a new antiplatelet drug, KBT-3022. Studies on repeated administration in healthy adults.
- Effect of beta-blockers on circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension.
- Clinical pharmacology of ibopamine. (2). Pharmacokinetics after single and multiple oral administration in healthy Japanese subjects.
- Effect of renal function on pharmacodynamics of beta-methyldigoxin.
- Pharmacodynamics of beta-methyldigoxin in renal dialysis patient.
- Pharmacodynamic and pharmacological effects of MPC-1304, a new calcium channel blocker, in healthy subjects. Results of single oral administration.:Results of Single Oral Administration
- Pharmacokinetirs of diltiazem in patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.
- Various types of caffeine metabolism in Japanese people. Studies by urine per 2 hours.
- Effect of meal conditions on circadian variations of creatinine clearance.
- Effect of diltiazem on the reduction in exercise-induced tachycardia and kinetic parameters of propranolol or atenolol.
- Phase I study of a clonidine patch, M-5041T.(2).
- Diuretic and uricosuric effects of traxanox sodium in healthy subjects: Comparison with hydrochlorothiazide by multiple-dose study.
- Pharmacokinetic and pharmacological effects of urapidil in healthy volunteers. Comparative study with prazosin.:Comparative Study with Prazosin
- Chronopharmacological study of furosemide in human subjects.
- Study of beta-methyldigoxin blood concentration prediction method.
- Effects of ageing on the effect of Atenolol.Study of the density - effect relation using effect compartment model.
- Phase I study of a new Ca antagonist, SN305(lacidipine).
- Pharmacokinetics of beta-methyldigoxin.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Pharmacokinetic and pharmacological properties of doxazosin mesilate in Japanese healthy adult volunteers.
- Comparison between direct assay and separating assay of blood beta-methyldigoxin by fluorescent polarized immunoassay.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し