Effect of other antiepileptics on simultaneous plasma concentration of carbamazepine and its epoxide metabolites.
- てんかん患者における血清中結合形カルバマゼピン濃度の予測
- 小児てんかん患者における血清中非結合形カルバマゼピン濃度の予測
- 結合式による血清中非結合形バルプロ酸濃度の予測性の検討
- 病棟活動の質的向上への試み
- 健常成人におけるバルプロ酸反復投与時の体内動態
- 肥満てんかん患者の体重減少が抗てんかん薬の血清中濃度に及ぼす影響 : ケースレポート
- ワーファリンによる抗凝固療法開始時におけるPCAの動態学的パラメータ
- Effect of weight loss of obesity epileptic patients on antiepileptic serum concentration.Case reports.
- Factors of Altered Drug Binding to Serum Proteins In Vivo: Studies with Valproic Acid.
- Binding parameters during repeated dosing of valproic acid in healthy adults.
- Examination on prediction of serum non-bonding valproic acid density by bond type.
- タイトル無し
- Prediction of the serum unconjugated valproic acid concentration using a combination parameter.
- Effects of non-bonding clearance on a combination parameter between valproic acid and serum protein.
- Serum protein binding of valproic acid in epileptic patients under chronic monotherapy.
- Prediction of non-bonding carbamazepine density in serum of infant patient of epilepsy.
- Effect of other antiepileptics on simultaneous plasma concentration of carbamazepine and its epoxide metabolites.