Experimental Studies of Anxiolytic Drug Effects on Heart Rate during Psychomotor Performance in Paired Situation
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The first experiment was designed to investigate the effect of anxiolytic drug on heart rate during mirror drawing test performance in paired situation. The subjects were sixteen healthy-volunteers of junior college women. They were tested on the mirror drawing test under paired situation (competitive condition). Thereafter one party of the pair received a tablet of madazepam 5 mg and the other party received a placebo, by double blind method. After fifty minutes, they were tested repeatedly on the mirror drawing test under the same situation.<BR>The second experiment was designed to investigate the effect of paired situation on heart rate during mirror drawing test performance. The subjects were thirty-eight healthy-volunteers of junior college women. A cross-over design was used for two experi-mental settings, that is, individual and paired situations. Heart rate was measured by pulsemeter during test performance. Subject's aggressiveness level was measured by Buss-Durkee's Hostility-Guilt Scale.<BR>The results indicated that;<BR>1. In paired situation (competitive condition) the increase of heart rate was significantly suppressed during test performance in medazepam 5 mg group as compared with placebo group, but there was no difference in psychomotor performance between these two groups.<BR>2. Correlation was found to exist between anxiolytic drug response and subject's aggressiveness level in paired situation (competitive condition).<BR>3. Heart rate increased significantly during test performance in paired situation as compared with in individual situation.<BR>4. The individual response specificity of heart rate was proven to correlate to subject's aggressiveness level in paired situation.<BR>These results were discussed from the view point of predicting of new chemical agents with anxiolytic activity in human pharmacological study.
小川 暢也
浅野 長一郎
後藤 昌司
上坂 浩之
中野 重行
大里 栄子
大里 栄子
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