Parosteal Lipoma of the Proximal End of the Radius A Case Report
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A woman aged sixty years was admitted to the Nagasaki-Rosai Hospital on July 16, 1968, with the complaint of a lump on the outer side of her right forearm in the upper third which she had noticed for the past four years.There were no motor or sensory deficits in the right upper extremity. Radiograph showed a well-difined radiolucent mass measuring 7×4cm. situated adjacent to the proximal end of the radius.At operation the tumor was found buried beneath the fibers of the supinator brevis muscle. The supinator muscle was thinned and atrophic. The superficial radial nerve was stretched over the convexity of the tumor. The tumor was soft, yellow and well encapsulated. The basal part of the tumor was firmly attached to the proximal end of the radius. The appearance of the cut surface of the tumor was characteristically yellow and greasy.Microscopic sections showed benign adipose tissue.
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