Senile osteomalacia report of two cases.
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Senile patients with low back pain and radiolucency in the same lesion are usually diagnosed as osteoporosis. Some of them should be diagnosed as osteomalacia.We reported two cases of senile osteomalacia with pseudo-arthrosis of pelvis and ribs, whose laboratory findings were as follows; the serum alkaline phosphatase was elevated, and the 25-OH vitamin D was decreased. They were treated with 1α-OH-D3.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
森久 喜八郎
江口 正雄
松永 大助
菊地 哲次郎
柴田 玄彦
神宮司 誠也
松永 大助
柴田 玄彦
神宮司 誠也
浜の町病院 整形外科
江口 正雄
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