Treatment of idiopathic scoliosis with under arm brace.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The results of under arm barcing treatments for ioiopathic scoliosis were studied in 54 patients whose ages ranged from seven years and eleven months to fifteen years and eleven months at the beginning of treatment.The results obtained were as follows;(1) The final correction rate according to Cobb angle was 13.9per cent on an average.(2) Significant correlation was found between the curve prior to treatment and the final curve without brace.(3) Significant correlation was also found between the final correction rate and the best correction rate in the brace.(4) The under arm bracing was more effective for curves of less than 30 degrees.(5) Age at bracing, level of the apex, rotation of the vertebrae, and maturation grades of the iliac apophysis had no correlation with final correction rate.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
山中 健輔
松山 雅人
中村 祐二
南野 盛二
高松 徹
石橋 庸司
山中 健輔
高松 徹
高松 徹
久留米大学 整形外科
松山 雅人
松山 雅人
山中 健輔
久留米大学 整形外科
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