Clinical studies on six cases of four-part fractures of the upper end of the humerus.
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Four-Part fractures of the upper end of the humerus are uncommon and there is still dispute about the best form of treatment. Recently we treated six cases of four-part fractures with anatomical neck fractures of the upper end of the humerus caused by direct trauma. Without dislocations, three cases were treated with osteosynthesis, and one with non-operative method. With dislocations, one patient was treated with endoprosthesis and another Jone's operation. Patients, without non-operative method, had no shoulder pain and continued functional disabilities.But they were satisfied with their treatments because of less disturbance of ADL. We studied the indications of the treatments for four-part fractures of the upper end of the humerus.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
大川 孝浩
久留米大学 整形外科
猿渡 勝義
柴山 慶
井上 博
久留米大学 整形外科
森田 雅和
中村 祐二
二田水 節
志波 直人
兼行 秀司
宮城 恒夫
大川 孝浩
猿渡 勝義
二田水 節
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