Destruction of the elbow joint in rheumatoid arthritis.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Sixty-two elbow joints of fifty out-patients with rheumatoid arthritis were examined about radiological findings. Radiological findings were classified according to the Steinbrocker's classification and involved localization; humero-ulnar (H-U) type, humero-radial (H-R) type and combined type.The results were as follows.1. At the onset of the symptom of the elbow joint, the Stage of it was already relatively high.2. Concerning the part of destruction occurred, combined type occupied the majority of cases.3. Progression of destruction in the elbow joints was slower than that in the wrist joints.The results suggested that it is necessary to take radiological examination at early period because destruction of the elbow joint progresses without symptom in the elbow joint.
白浜 正博
久留米大学 整形外科
有吉 護
中島 雅典
猿渡 勝義
白浜 正博
後藤 博史
久留米大学医学部整形外科学教室〔〒830-0011 久留米市旭町67〕
石橋 庸司
田平 史郎
西牟田 浩詩
埜田 和之
木村 知史
樋口 理
山中 健輔
緒方 達也
五反田 博
安部 淳
田平 史郎
猿渡 勝義
有吉 護
中島 雅典
山中 健輔
久留米大学 整形外科
中島 雅典
久留米大学 整形外科
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