Metatarsal stress fracture in a child: A case report.
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Stress fracture of the metatarsal bone, though common in adults, seems to be extremely rare in children, according to published reports. We report, the case of a 8-year-old child with a stress fracture of the 3rd and 4th metatarsal bone without any noticable trauma and still physically active. When we suspect a stress fracture in children, great attention must be directed towards obtaining a detailed history and serial X-rays must be obtained over a short time period. Bone scintigraphy shows a predictable superiority over radiography in early diagnosis.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
白浜 正博
久留米大学 整形外科
白浜 正博
井上 博
久留米大学 整形外科
賀茂 和典
清永 寛一郎
清永 寛一郎
田平 史郎
百武 康介
田平 史郎
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