Evaluation of 17 Idiopathic Scolioses Operated on with C-D.-Instrumentation. Three Dimensional Analysis by AP and Lateral Radiographs.:Three Dimensional Analysis by AP and Lateral Radiographs
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3-D analysis has gained increasing interest in the study of scoliosis. The shape of the spinal column can be computed from AP and lateral radiographs with the top view providing specific information about the dimensions of the scoliotic spines. A vertical view of the thoraco-lumbar spine is symbolized by a graph of the vertical projection of the centers of the vertebral bodies on to the horizontal plane. An oblique top view is also obtained using the S1-T1 axis for projections instead of the vertical axis in order to avoid any distortion secondary to a S1-T1 imbalance. The spines are homogenized after surgery, with a better balance achieved between the shapes of the thoracic and the lumbar segments. The C-D. procedure results in sagittalization of the instrumented and non-instrumented segments of the spine.
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