Limb allograft in rats immunosuppressed with cyclosporin. As a neuromuscular composite allograft.:As a neuromuscular composite allograft
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As a neuromuscular composite allograft model, limb allografts with Cyclosporin (CS) treatment using three inbred rat strains, Fischer (F344; RT1), Lewis (LEW; RT1) and Brown Norway (BN; RT1) were performed and the neuromuscular composite was examined clinically, histologically and electromyographically. All of the animals were divided into three experimental groups, minor-mismatched allografts (LEW to F344), major-mismatched allografs (BN to F344) and syngrafts (F344 to F344) as controls. The animals of both allograft groups were treated with CS for 16 days. A mild skin rejection was observed in the major-mismatched allograft group about 50 days after operation, however, the rejection was restricted almost to the skin. Reaction to painful stimuli was observed in all of these three groups about 12 to 16 weeks after operation. Histologic examination of the muscles and nerves in the grafted limbs demonstrated nomal architecture and good regeneration of the axons. Both muscular contraction and evoked potential were observed by electrical stimuli in all three experimental groups. Our results indicate the possibility of clinical neuromuscular composite allografts with the use of CS as well as other organ transplantation.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
杉岡 洋一
貝原 信紘
佛淵 孝夫
有田 親史
新井 堅
九州大学医学部 整形外科
佐本 信彦
杉岡 洋一
有田 親史
九州大学医学部 整形外科
佛淵 孝夫
九州大学医学部 整形外科
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