- 論文の詳細を見る
Two hundred and thirty-six isolates of aerobic collagenolytic bacteria from the coastal areas of Japan were classified according to the criteria of the 8th edition of Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. The great majority of these isolates (222 strains) were Gram negative, oxidase positive, single polar flagellation, asporogenous rod, and carbohydrate metabolism fermentative, produced acid but no gas from glucose, and were sensitive to 2, 4-diamino6, 7-diisopropyl pteridine and facultatively anaerobic. These morphological and biochemical characteristics suggested an assignment to genus Vibrio. The representative 10 strains which have high productivity of collagenolytic enzyme seem to belong to a species Vibrio parahaemolyticus (biotype 2) or to its allies. The members of genus Vibrio predominate among the collagenolytic bacteria which are distributed in natural coastal areas. The characteristics of several isolates (6 strains) were Grarnnegative, oxidase positive, single polar flagellation, asporogenous rod, but carbohydrate metabolism oxidative, and were not sensitive to 2, 4-diamino-6, 7-diisopropyl pteridine and aerobic, suggesting their assignment to genus Pseudomonas. The rest (8 strains) showed different characteristics, and could not be identified. The collagenolytic enzyme productivity of the isolates of genus Pseudomonas and of the unknown group was of no account.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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