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Organic carbon, nitrogen, and iron (total-Fe, reactive-Fe) in sedinents and iron in pore water were determined, using 23 sediment samples collected at the Harima-Nada, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Vertical profiles of organic-C and reactive-Fe were similar and a high correlation coefficient (r=0.86) was detected between organic-C and reactive-Fe. A relatively high correlation coe-fficient (r=0.66) was also obtained between reactive-Fe in sediments and total-Fe in pore water. These results suggest that when a reductive condition is achieved in marine sedinents, some Parts of iron conjugated with organic matter are eluted to the pore water and subsequently returned to the overlying sea water. Orgnic iron in pore water of the sediments was separated with Sephdex G-10 chromatography. The growth-promoting activities to Chattonella aniqua with sepatated iron fractions in pore water were estimated. Considerable activites were found in the two iron fractions which eluted before the NaCl fraction.
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