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A fresh muscle immediately after the catch of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba was subjected to prepare myofibrils suspension (Mf). The KCI concentration and pH dependencies of its Ca-ATPase activity were found to be similar to those of Mf Ca-ATPase from the frozen surimi of Antarctic krill, although a higher specific activity was estimated to that of fresh muscle. The effect of sugar (0.25-3.0M) on the thermal denaturation (10-35°C) of Mf was studied in terms of the rate constant (KD) for inactivation of Ca-ATPase. The following results were obtained: (a) By extrapolating the linear plot of log KD vs. sorbitol (M) to the intercept of ordinate, the theoretical values of KD in the absence of sorbitol at various temperatures were obtained. (b) By increasing the concentration (M) of sorbitol, all of thermodynamic parameters for the inactivation were increased, though the proportions of ΔH≠ and ΔS≠ varied considerably and ΔG≠ varied somewhat. (c) The protective effect of sugar and sugar alcohol against the inactivation become lower in the order of lactitol, sucrose, sorbitol and glucose. These trends were exactly identical with those observed against the thermal denaturation of chub mackerel Mf.
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