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The mitochondrial (MT), rough microsomal (RER) and smooth microsomal (SER) fractions isolated from the livers of carp Cyprinus carpio and ell Anguilla japonica by centrifugation were observed with electron microscope. For each fraction, many sections from five different parts of the central region of the sediment were observed. The MT fractions of both species consisted almost of mitochondria but contained lysosome- and peroxisome-like bodies in all the sections of all the parts treated. In the sections of the carp's MT fraction fixed by glutaraldehyde 8 hr after centrifugation, many mitochondria were ruptured and cristae were broken down. A few mitochondria with condensed matrix were seen. However, the greater part of mitochondria of the eel's MT fraction fixed immediately after centrigufation were in good condition. The RER fraction of both species consisted mostly of rough endoplasmic reticula but contained a few mitochondria at some places. The carp's RER fraction was contaminated by long membranous structures at one place of the sediment. In a lower part dense crowding of free ribosomes was seen. Those membranous structures and free ribosomes may be derived from rough endoplasmic reticula of the pancreatic acinar cells. the SER fractions of both species consisted almost of smooth endoplasmic reticula but were contaminated by rough endoplasmic reticula or free ribosomes at some places, probably bottom part of the sediment.
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