- 論文の詳細を見る
This research was undertaken to determine if a rapid and accurate procedure incorporating gas-liquid chromatography could be developed to measure microsomal metabolism of organophos-phate pesticides, i. e. malathion, diazinon, and fenitrothion, in the lives of fish. Three fish species important to the aquaculture industry of japan, Sarother odon niloticus, Cyprinus carpio, and Seriola quingueradita, were used to provide microsomal preparations in order to observe specific differences in xenobiotic metabolism. Each assay mixture contained pesticide and bovine serum albumin in a phosphate buffer solution and raw or boiled microsomal preparations. These mixtures were tested fro metabolism of pesticide in the presence or absence of NADPH. The reaction was allowed to proceed at 30°C for a specific amount of time dependent on the particular fish/ pesticide combination. Unreacted pesticide was extracted and was detected by gasliquid chromatography with a flame-hpotometric detector. Two different metabolic reactions were detected in the microsomal preparations of the fish tested. Malathion was metabolized by a NADPH independent enzyme system, while diazinon and fenitro-thion were metabolized by a NADPH dependent enzyme system.
- 日本水産學會の論文
岩田 治郎
片山 輝久
鮫島 宗雄
OLNEY Charles
Department of Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Rhode Island
Department of Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Rhode Island
Simpson Kenneth
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Rhode Island
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