ニジマス色調改善色素としてのAdonis aestivalisの利用〔英文〕
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The flower, Adonis aestivalis and its pigment extract were fed to two different sizes of rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri at a level of 10mg total pigment/100g diest. The larger fish (average weitht 400g) were fed the pigment extract for 8 weeks. In the males, carotenoids were mainly deposited in the skin and a samll amount was found in the flesh. However, in the females, a relatively high level of carotenoids was detected in the flesh. The smaller fish were fed the diets containing Adonis flower petals or its pigment extract. After two weeks of feeding, the Adonis flower group discontinued feeding activity and mortalities ensued. However, no mortalities resulted in the Adonis extract group over a three month feeding period, and a noticeable pink coloration was observed in the skin of this group. Pathological ex-amination of the fish fed the Adonis flower diet showed that the fish had an entreitis. The results of this experiment suggested the possible presence of toxic conpounds in A. aestivalis flower. How-ever, the extract of A. aestivalis may serve as an excellent dietary pigment source.
- 日本水産學會の論文
田中 淑人
鮫島 宗雄
Department of Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Rhode Island
釜田 忠
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Rhode Island
Simpson Kenneth
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Rhode Island
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