- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of feeding live short-necked clam (L-SNC), freeze-dried short-necked clam (F-SNC), and a compounded dry diet (CDD) made of mimic live clam, on the growth, surviva, and digestive enzyme activities of Penaeus japonicus were compared. Exopenous digestve enzymes from the live food source seemed to affect the shrimps' protease and amylase activities. The L-SNC group showed an increase in amylase and protease activiaties, whereas the F-SNC group exhibited dereased amylase and protease activities. These changes seemed to be an adaptation of endogenous enzyme activity to the diet's enzymic content, and are supported by the positive growth effect in the L-SNC group relative to the F-SNC group. The amylase activity in the F-SNC group increased greatly when L-ascorbic acid was added to the extract solution, which may indicate that an insufficient amount of vitamin C was available for maximal expression of amylase actvity. It is not clear whether the megative effect on growth in the F-SNC group was entirely due to the inactivation of amylase and protease activities, as a dietary deficiency of some vitamin (s) or other metabolic cofactors may have occurred during storage of the freeze-dried diet.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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