- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was undertaken to investigate the effective and proper process to keep the stability of lizard fish Saurida wanieso meat as a raw material for kamaboko. For this purpose, various surimi (minced meat) differing in additives were prepared from the fish immediately after catch and frozen on board the fishing boat. The fish were also frozen as a whole body at three different stages of rigor mortis and stored. These samples were evaluated for kamaboko-forming ability after subsequent on-land frozen storage. The results showed that the unwashed no-additive frozen surimi retained a rather satisfactory kamaboko-forming ability for a relatively long period of storage for about two weeks, while the unwashed additive containing surimi (sorbitol, sugar and polyphosphate) retained it for as long as about 50 days. In the case of the washed frozen surimi, no-additive surimi retained well its kamaboko-forming ability for about two weeks, while unsalted surimi containing sorbitol and polyphosphate, and salted surimi containing sorbitol, sugar and common salt were found to possess a remazkably good kamaboko-forming ability even after a long freezing storage period of 90 days. Whole fish frozen as a whole body immediately before rigor mortis and freeze stored for 90 days showed a fairly good kamaboko-forming ability, following in the order of the fish at rigor mortis and at the initial stage of post-rigor.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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