- 論文の詳細を見る
Two cases of speech disorders caused by soft palate injuries lead to the following conclusions on speech assessment before and after pharyngeal flap operation and wearing a speech aid.<BR>1. After the primary operation, complete nasopharyngeal closure was not obtained in two cases.<BR>2. A patient who wore a speech aid at the age of fourteen and thirteen years after injury showed a better effect of wearing a speech aid.<BR>3. Only a slight effect of wearing a speech aid was observed in a 54-year-old patient who had relatively good (+) mobility of the soft palate and pharyngeal lateral wall, but had incomplete nasopharyngeal closure continuously for as long as forty-one years.<BR>4. In case 1 which exhibited a remarkable effect after pharyngeal flap operation, mobility of the soft palate and pharyngeal lateral wall was remarkably good (++). Further it was considered important that the patient wore a speech aid prior to the above-mentioned operation when he was 14 years old and his speech function was completely improved.<BR>5. The speech condition of a patient suffering from acquired imcomplete nasopharyngeal closure after the age of learning speech mainly consisted of nasality and no severe articulation disorders were observed.<BR>6. It was emphasized that treatments on acquired incompete nasopharyngeal closure due to soft palate injury should be given as early as possible from the standpoint of improving the nasopharyngeal closure function in the same way as the treatment of congenital cleft palate patients.
- 舌癌のAfterloading法による^Cs針の組織内照射
- 口腔がん治療における放射線医学の役割 : 1954年来の日本における歴史的個人的回顧と明日への志向
- 口腔外科と外傷歯学両臨床の日本における相互的発展の歴史的展望
- 口腔腫瘍の臨床診断におけるポイント
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- 3歳男児の顎下腺に発生した粘表皮癌
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- 下顎骨, 頭蓋骨および肺にみられた好酸球肉芽腫の1例
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- Large plemorphic adenoma of the parotid: Report of a case.
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- Clinical experience of two cases with arteriovenous fistula of mandible.
- 8年後に甲状腺原発巣の見出された上頚部転移性腺系悪性腫瘍の1例
- 類皮嚢胞を疑った口底部血管腫の症例
- 上顎洞異物の2症例
- A case of metastatic malignant cystosarcoma phyllodes of the mandible from the mammary gland.
- 上顎前歯部に2歯の過剰歯内歯を含んだ5埋伏歯のまれなる1例
- 粘膜下口蓋裂患児の受診に関する現況調査
- Freeman-Sheldon 症候群の1例における言語障害とその原因および治療に関する考察
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- 下顎歯肉部に初発したB細胞型非ホジキン悪性リンパ腫の1例
- Chronic oral candidiasis of the tongue: Report of a case.
- Clinical study on 307 cases with salivary gland lesions.
- 92歳女性の頬粘膜に初発した脂腺癌の1例
- The clinical study of somatosensory evoked pontentials (SEP) caused by trigeminus nerve stimulation.
- 口唇部に発生した神経原性腫瘍の5例
- Speech findings on three cases of moebius syndrome
- Pleomorphic adenoma arising from the top of the uvula.
- 軟口蓋外傷2症例に後遺した言語障害とその処置
- 副鼻腔に発生した線維性組織球腫の1例
- Speech following operative reconstruction in a case of palatal defect.
- Gillies's fan flap 法による下唇再建の経験
- 口腔外科領域における緻密質顆粒水酸化アパタイト骨補填材の臨床評価-9施設における共同研究-
- 腺様歯原性腫瘍の2例
- ケルビズムの1例
- 舌癌症例における舌切除と言語成績に関する研究
- 周辺性歯原性石灰化上皮腫の1例
- Speech disorders resulting from the congenital muscular macroglossia and its healing process: Report of a case.:Report of a case
- A case of asynchronous malignant lymphoma manifested in the upper and lower gingiva.
- A case of eosinophilic granuloma of soft tissue in both parotid gland regions.