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We experienced a rare case of large epulis fibrosa osteoplastica. The patient was a 48-year-old male who had cerebral palsy. At the first examination, he had a pigeon egg sized, half round and elastic hard phyma in the 654 ulo-buccal transitional region. It was pedunculate and had a stalk with a diameter of 5 mm on the 65 buccal interdental papilla. X-ray films showed some trabeculer density in its center. Under local anesthesia, the phyma was initially incised at the stalk and removed for the purpose of getting a good visual field. Then the remaining stalk, its surrounding periodontal tissues and 5 tooth were removed en bloc surgically, expecting a good prognosis because.of his past history of cerebral palsy. The histopathological findings showed marked trabecular bone formation surrounded by proliferated fibrous connective tissues and was diagnosed as epulis fibrosa osteoplastica. One year and nine months after operation, no recurrence has been observed.
松島 凛太郎
河村 哲夫
柳沢 繁孝
小野 敬一郎
水城 春美
戸高 勝之
岡野 秀成
花井 康
小野 史郎
花井 康
河村 哲夫
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