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Branchiogenic carcinoma is a rare malignant tumor arising from the remnant of the branchial epithelium or the branchial cyst.We have experienced and treated a patient with branchiogenic carcinoma, the outline of which we report here.<BR>Patient: A 69-year-old female, visited our hospital on 21 May 1984, and complained of a swelling in the right neck and submandibular regions, where a thumb-haadsized tumor was found with palpation at the later region. On 20 June, the tumor was resected with a purpose of biopsy under general anesthesia. A histological examination of the mass clarified an existence of the squamous cell carcinoma with a cystic lesion. Lymphoid tissues were found under the cyst wall. The block of S.C.C.was considered as protruded part from the cyst wall. Several clinical examinations were performed, detecting a metastasis to the other organs, through which we could not find any other tumors. A diagnosis of branchiogenic carcinoma was finally decided upon. On 4 July, a radical neck dissection was done on suspection of upper neck metastasis, where upon a farther histological examination of the specimen confirmed a lymph node metastasis. Then postoperative irradiation and chemotherapy were performed in combination. The patient has survived now for over one and a half years since these treatments without any recurrence of the tumor.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
柳沢 繁孝
小野 敬一郎
青木 弘興
青木 弘興
小野 敬一郎
児玉 昭資
松島 りん太郎
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