A case of metastatic cancer from lung carcinoma to the maxilloalveolar region.
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Tumors which metastasized from other organs to oral regions had been relatively rarely reported with an occurance rate of about 1 per cent. In this instance, we reported a case of cancer which metastasized from the lung to the right maxilloalveolar region.<BR>Case; The patient was a fifty-year-old man. His chief complaint was the bleeding from 76 gum. The current status indicated formation of tumorous lesion with spontaneous pain and bleeding at the gum of right maxillary molar area. By radiographic examinations, we observed bone resorption at the right maxilla and the mass lesion at the upper left lung. The oral lesion was diagnosed as carcinoma by the biopsy specimen and suspected as metastasis from lung cancer. Although lung biopsy was done three times, histological examinations could not confirm an existence of carcinoma. As we thought oral carcinoma were metastasis, we treated the tumor with continuous infusion of 5 FU through the superficial temporal artery and per os administration of UFT. As a result, the alveolar maxillary tumor decreased to about the half its size before the treatment.But finally he died for cardiac insufficiency 3 weeks following the beginning of this therapy. The autopsy clarified the lung lesion to be large cell carcinoma and the oral tumor to be one of its metastatic lesions over the entire body.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
松島 凛太郎
河村 哲夫
柳沢 繁孝
小野 敬一郎
青木 弘興
青木 弘興
高橋 恵
柳沢 繁孝
小野 敬一郎
河村 哲夫
河村 哲夫
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