- 論文の詳細を見る
Chcrubism in a six-year-old Japanese girl is presented. The patient demonstrated painless swelling in the right angle region of the mandible at age three years, and swelling appeared in the left at the age of four. Radiographic examinations of the mandible revealed bilateral multilocular areas of increased radiolucency, loss of the tooth germs of the bilateral second molars and absorption of the distal roots of the bilateral first molars. Histopathological diagnosis of the lesion was giant cell granuloma of the jawbone. Familial examinations showed that her father had a bilateral and symmetrical bone protrusion in the frontal region.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
- 4 当院口腔外科における舌癌症例の臨床的検討(I.一般演題,第67回新潟癌治療研究会)
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- Overexpression of extracellular matrix molecules in metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma cells of salivary gland origin
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- Speech findings on three cases of moebius syndrome
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- Speech disorders resulting from the congenital muscular macroglossia and its healing process: Report of a case.:Report of a case
- A case of asynchronous malignant lymphoma manifested in the upper and lower gingiva.