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Using antisera against three kinds of cytoskeletal proteins (keratin proteins, actin protein and myosin protein) and thyroglobulin, immunoperoxidase staining was performed on the follicular cells of 30 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. These patients were subdivided into three types by Woolner's classification : 9 patients of lymphoid type (L-type), 12 patients of oxyphilic cell type (O-type), and 9 patients of pronounced epithelial destruction type (P-type).<BR>The results obtained were as follows : (1) In three-ninths to seven-twelfths of the patients of O-type and P-type, the cytoskeletal proteins were identified in the epithelial cells forming degenerating or atrophic thyroid follicles. In the patients of L-type, however, the cytoskeletal proteins which form large follicles containing much colloid were not found in the epithelium. (2) In some patients of O-type, keratin proteins were abundantly present in the epithelial cells with squamous cell metaplasia. (3) In the patients of L-type, thyroglobulin was found in most of the epithelium forming large follicles, but it was not found in those forming degenerating or atrophic follicles in the patients of O-type and P-type.
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