家兔の消化に関する研究 : (第4報)野生白クローバーの灰分特にNa, K, Ca, 及びPの含量について
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) The wild white clover (Trifolium repens L.), growing on the campus of Faculty of Agrilculture, Iwate Univ., is collected from four different places and at four different stages in a year-in spring before bloom, in early summer in bloom, in autumn soon after bloom and in late autumn, taking care of condition under which rabbits feed that clover in the natural state. 2) The chemical components of its ash are not only analysed by the usual method, but also the duect method of determination of sodium with the uranyl acetate reagent is especially examined. The value obtained by the direct method is higher than that obtained by the indirect method. Besides this, potassium is determined by the perchlorate method, calcium volu metrically by the oxalate method, and phosphorus also volumetrically by the ammonium-molybdate method. 3) The data obtained are tested statistically by the randomized block method. The significant results are as follows: the content of sodium decreases in bloom, then increases in late autumn again, that of calcium increases in bloom, then decreases in autumn soon after bloom and there is no difference in each stage for both of potassium and phosphorus. It may be true to say that the content of potassium is not necessarily more than that of so-dium and that the calcium ratio is 4.5_??_5.5. 4) It was maintained in the first report of this study that the content of ash of the wild white clover increased in early summer. From the result obtained above, it may be suggested that this i ncrese in this stage is approximately due to the increase of calcium content in the ash.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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- 家兔の消化に関する研究 : (第4報)野生白クローバーの灰分特にNa, K, Ca, 及びPの含量について
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