- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to study the mechanism of male-sterility in Satsuma orange, the critical period of the degeneration of pollen grains and anther tapetum was determined. The results obtained were summarized as follows:1. The microspores at the vacuole stage were variable in size, and their sizes at the stages of vacuole appearance and vacuole disappearance were about 20.88 and 27.08μ, respectively.2. The great majority of sterile pollen grains investigated at the stage of pollen maturity could be included in the medium-sized group (from 22.5 to 27.5μ in diameter).3. The degeneration of pollen grains might take place at the vacuole enlarging stage, thereafter, they showed little or no increase in their own size and became empty medium-sized pollen grains.4. During the stage of vacuole disappearance, a few microspores with starch granules and a large number of microspores without starch granules were observed. The latter became sterile throughout thecourse of pollen grain development.5. The tapetum remained cellular and the tapetal cells became to be polynucleated at the pollen-tetrads stage. Breakdown and disappearance of the tapetum occurred at the vacuole enlarging stage and after the pollen mitosis stage, respectively.6. It may be concluded that the critical period of the degeneration of tapetal cells and pollen grains of Satsuma orange is the vacuole enlarging stage of microspores.
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